
Smell the lightning of a birthmark from the embers of wrath,

شم برق شامة من على جمر الغضى

1. Smell the lightning of a birthmark from the embers of wrath,
Or what you see of the fold, or extinction,

١. شم برقَ شامةَ من على جَمرِ الغَضَى
أوَ ما تراهُ منَ الثَّنيةِ أو مَضَا

2. The darkness sent it to the fever,
A sword for the long-lasting tears to be fulfilled,

٢. سَلَّت بهِ الظَّلماءُ منهُ عل الحمَى
سيفاً لهطَّالِ المدامعش يُنتضى

3. They sent him while he came to him as a harbinger,
After they were content for a while with consent,

٣. هُم أَرسلوهُ وقد أتاهُ مبُشِّراً
من بعد ما غضروا زماناً بالرِّضا

4. So beware my heart of wandering with a flash,
If they intend to fulfill their rights fulfillment,

٤. فاحذر فُؤادي أن يهيمَ بومضةٍ
إن همَّ أن يقضي حُقُوقهم قَضى

5. He imitated the smile of their lips, so I think they
Sent him about what was happening in the lips exposed,

٥. حاكَى ابتسامَ ثُغُورهم فأظُنُّهم
بَعثوهُ عما في الثُّغورِ مُعَرَّضا

6. You were greeted by a lightning whose pulsation returned
From the era of the days of youth that passed,

٦. حُييتَ من برقٍ أعادَ خُفوقُهُ
من عَهدِ أَيَّامِ الشَّبيبةِ ما مَضى

7. The days when the branch of joy was not withered
From them, nor was the religion of communication claimed,

٧. أَيَّامَ لا غُصنُ الَمسرَّةِ ذابلٌ
منهُم ولا دَينُ التَّواصُلِ يُقتَضَى

8. Far be it for the covenants of amity to be twisted, nor
A covenant to the covenant of loftiness to be breached,

٨. حاشا مواثيقَ اللوى تُلوَى ولا
عَهداً لمِعَهدِ رامَةٍ أَن يُنقَضَا

9. O neighbor, the lightening told me at night
About them, the talks of brilliance and extinction,

٩. يا جِيرةً باتَ البُرَيقُ يَقُصُّ لي
عَنهُم أَحاديثَ الأُبيَرِقِ والأَضَا

10. And the valleys of Najd, its plants did not lack
From them, and spring had picked them and plucked them,

١٠. وَشِعابُ نَجدٍ لا خَلَت أَعشابُهُ
مِنهُمُ وبَاكَرَها الرَّبيعُ وقَرَّضا

11. Until you see them like gardens smiling
About the beauty of their faces upon that decree,

١١. حَتَّى تَراها كالرِّياض تَبَسَّمت
عن حُسنِ أوجهُهم على ذَاكَ القَضَا