
Is there a gazelle at Saba bending down her neck in the thicket of tangled trees,

هل في الصبا من عريب المنحنى نفس

1. Is there a gazelle at Saba bending down her neck in the thicket of tangled trees,
While the morning dew dampens their twigs with the moisture of pearls?

١. هَل في الصَّبا من عُرِيبِ الُمنحنى نَفسُ
أَم خَامَرَ البانَ مِن أَعطافِهِم مَيَسُ

2. As if a planet of the night shone out during its gloom,
Or the fireflies gleamed in the darkness of their thickets.

٢. أَكوكَبٌ في دُجى اللَّيلِ البَهيمِ بدا
أم لاحَ للعينِ في نيرانِهِم قَبَسُ

3. O lightning flash, craze my heart, then heal it,
For it is the knights of Najd that I implore.

٣. يا بَرقُ هاكَ فُؤادي ثُمَّ لاقِ بهِ
أُهَيل نَجدٍ فهذا منِكَ أَلتمِسُ

4. Beware that the spying eyes do not observe him
Whether the veils are removed or the convents appear.

٤. واحذر عَلَيهِ عُيونَ العِينِ إِذ سَفَرت
عَنها البراقعُ أَو جادَت بِها الكُنُسُ

5. Place him amid the panic of the startled one,
Where the borders abound with weakness, and misery.

٥. وَخلِّهِ بَينَ بانِ الجِزعِ في دَعَةٍ
حَيثُ الثُّغورُ الأَقاحِ الغُضُّ واللُّعُسُ

6. And say to the people of the place that this is your sick one,
Who languishes from the agony of love and desires.

٦. وَقُل لِسُكَّانِهِ هذا مَريضُكُمُ
من لاعِجِ الوَجدِ والأَشواقِ مُنتَكسُ

7. Had he recalled your memory in his inner thoughts
And wished to speak one day, dumbness would seize him.

٧. لَو مَرَّ ذكرُ سِواكُم في سَريرتِهِ
وَهَمَّ بالنُّطقِ يَوماً نَالَهُ خَرَسُ

8. With a visitation in the heart of the night it came to him
Riding the fever, approved with its visions.

٨. وَزورَةٍ في فُؤادِ اللَّيلِ جادَ بِها
مُمَنَّعق بالحِمَى طابَت بِهِ الخُلَسُ

9. We passed from the night in embroidered wraps,
While the sands were a carpet and meteors stood guard.

٩. بِتنَا مِنَ اللَّيلِ في لُحفٍ مُحَبَّرةٍ
والرَّملُ فَرشٌ ومن شهبِ الدُّجَى حَرَسُ

10. A more delightful night than cool water for the thirsty one in the dark,
No doubt in it and no impurity.

١٠. وَصلٌ أَلذُّ مِنَ الماءِ الزُّلالِ لَدى ال
ظَّامي فلا رِيبَةٌ فيهِ وَلا دَنَسُ