1. The branches swayed as the dusk was about to lift its veil,
Intoxicated after its slumber came to an end.
١. سَروا والدُّجَى قد همَّ أن يرفَعَ السُّجفا
وقد نالَ منهُ السُّكرُ من بعد ما أغفى
2. A crescent whose heart is like a lover's,
When it rises radiant, eyes grow wet.
٢. هلالٌ لهُ قلبُ المتيَّمِ هالَةٌ
مَتى لاحَ مِنهُ مُشرِقاً أَمطرَ الطَّرفا
3. Oppressive yet passionate in the chill of its darkness,
As the dark night painted its cheeks pale.
٣. ظَلومٌ فَواحَراً على بردِ ظَلمِهِ
وَقَد حاكَتِ الظَلماءُ أصداغهُ الوجفا
4. It protects in the fortress of my soul, a spinster's coffeehouse,
I long to embrace it, so it widens my bosom.
٤. يَصونُ بحصنِ الثَّغرِ عانسَ قهوةٍ
أُعانقُهث شوقاً فيوسِعُني رَشفا
5. O morning blossoms, the dawn has sown its joy upon us,
As if the morn has not parted from its friend.
٥. فَيا زورةٌ بَثَّ الصبَّاحُ سُروَرها
عَلينا كأنّ الصبُّحَ ما فارَقَ الإِلفا
6. I rejoiced in a bliss that filled me, and in a yearning
I called to what had passed me by.
٦. فرحتُ بوجدٍ يَعتريني وَلوعةٍ
أُنادي على ما فاتَني منه والهفا
7. Does one who watered that sapling with wine,
Causing eyes to glance coquettishly as branches sway.
٧. تُرَى من سَقى ذاكَ القَضيبَ مُدامةً
فَنَرجسَ منهُ اللَّحظَ ما رَّنح العِطفا
8. And one who grew roses on his cheek,
Making my heart double in its weakness.
٨. ومن أَنبتَ الوردَ الجَني بِخَدهِ
فَزادَ فُؤادي من مُضَعفَِّهِ ضعِفا
9. My misguidance grows in the gloom of his hair's night,
So we light a lamp from his shining forehead that never wanes.
٩. يزيدُ ضلالي في دُجى ليلِ شعرهِ
فَنُهدي بضوءٍ من مُحيَّاهث لا يُطفا
10. When it appeared in the night upon a branch and bent,
I saw you - the dusk, the dawn, the branch and the curve.
١٠. إذ لاحَ في لَيلٍ منَ الفَرعِ وانثَنَى
أَراكَ الدُّجى والصبُّحَ والغُصنَ والحِقفا
11. God grant you a tenderness, if I ever desired it,
In the morn its tenderness asks after tenderness.
١١. لَكَ اللهُ من عطفٍ متى رُمتُ عَطفَهُ
غَدا عِطفهُ النَّشوانُ يَسأَلهُ العَطفا
12. They say about it disdain and avoidance,
As if they never knew the passionate lover.
١٢. يَقولونُ فيهِ نَفرَةٌ وَتجنُّبٌ
كَأَنهمُ لم يَعرفِوا الشَّادِنَ الخِشفا
13. In a dream, after I fell asleep,
An apparition visited me and the morning star had almost hidden.
١٣. بِنَفسي خيالاً زارَني بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
فَحيَّا وَنَجمُ الصبُّحِ قَد كَادَ أَن يَخفَى