1. My heart is infatuated with this graceful beloved,
So do not blame me, for this is my guide to righteousness.
١. إن هامَ قلبي بهذا الشَّادنِ الشَّادي
فلا تَلُمني فهذا عينُ إرشادي
2. He glanced at me with eyes, sick and tearful,
So who would see a gazelle playing with lions?
٢. رَنا بطرفٍ مريضِ الجَفنِ مُنكسرٍ
فمن رأى جُؤذُرا يلهو بآساد
3. An eyelid that showed the sickness that afflicts my body,
So it was clarified by my words and composition.
٣. جَفنٌ رَوى عنه ما يرويه من سَقمٍ
جسمي فصحَّ بهِ نَقلي وإسنادي
4. In his mouth and tender stature I find abundant melody,
Beyond the lightning of sadness, even beyond the valleys of separation.
٤. في ثغرهِ والقَوامِ اللَّدنِ ألفُ غنىً
عن أبرقِ الجزعِ بل عن بانة الوادي
5. Glory to the riser of the full moon of perfection,
From it, a moist branch among the branches sways.
٥. سُبحانَ مُطلعِ بدرِ التَّمِّ منهُ على
غُصنِ رطيبٍ منَ الأغصانِ ميادِ
6. I became drunk on an intoxication in his glances,
Through it, my misguidance increased, and his face guided me.
٦. سَكرتُ من نشوةٍ في مُقلتيهِ صَحا
منها وزادَ ضلالي وجهُه الهادي
7. My heart increases with a smile from him,
Becoming moist, and I am intent on kissing him.
٧. يزدادُ قلبي بثغر منهُ مبتسم
رَّياً وإنِّي إلى تقبيلهِ صادي
8. The sickness and disdain I suffer does not harm me,
Even if it comes from some of my beloved friends.
٨. ما ضرَّني ما أُقاسي فيه من سَقَمٍ
ومن ضنىً لو غدا من بعضِ عُوَّادي
9. O glance, after my glory you have humbled me,
Until I became a captive with no redeemer.
٩. يا نظرةً بعدَ عزِّي قد ذَللتُ بها
حتَّى غدوتُ أسيراً ليسَ لي فادي
10. He appeared and then left, my eyelids terrified by his awe,
And beauty between daring and retreating.
١٠. بَدا فغادرَ طرفي من مهابتهِ
وحُسنهِ بينَ إصدارٍ وإيرادِ
11. I became preoccupied with him over all others,
No longer crying over homelands, nor pausing for the guide.
١١. شُغلتُ فيه به عمَّن سِواهُ فَلا
أبكي الدِّيارَ ولا أستوقفُ الحادي