
Ask him about my love and my suffering,

سله عن وجدي وعن كلفي

1. Ask him about my love and my suffering,
For they both aid me in my demise,

١. سَلهُ عن وَجدي وعن كَلفي
فهُما عَوناهُ على تلَفي

2. Unique is his beauty like Joseph,
As unique as my sorrow for him,

٢. يُوسفيٌّ الحُسنِ مُنفردٌ
كانفرادي فيه بالأَسفِ

3. Nothing rivals his lips but
That coral inside the shell,

٣. ما لدُرِّ الثَّغرِ منه سِوَى
ذَلكَ الَمرجانِ من صَدَفِ

4. My fortune has declined with him, yet I see
That to love him is an honor for me,

٤. هابطٌ حظِّي بهِ وأرَى
أنَّ في عِشقي لهُ شَرَفي

5. O moon whose face dispels
The darkness of the night sky's curtain,

٥. أيُّها البدرُ الذي بَسنا
وَجههِ يجلو دُجا السَّدفِ

6. With that mole on his cheek
And that bend in his waist,

٦. بالذي في الخدِّ مِن ضرَجٍ
والذي في القَدِّ مِن هَيَفِ

7. His waist is anything but small
And his body anything but stiff,

٧. تِه بِخَصرٍ غيرِ مُختَصَرٍ
وبِعطِفٍ غيرِ مُنعطِفِ

8. Having mastered the art of allurement
And captivated a passionate lover,

٨. وتحكَّم في حَشا وَصِبٍ
مُستَهامٍ مُغرمٍ دَنِفِ

9. His youth embraced you
As the letter Alif embraces Lam,

٩. عانقَتهُ فيكَ صَبوَتُه
كاعتناقِ اللاَّمِ للأَلفِ

10. It is never a must in the law of passion
That feelings should be mutual,

١٠. ليسَ في شَرعِ الهوَى أبداً
واجبٌ أنَّ المِلاحَ تفي

11. My tears, if I stay silent
You explain the love and describe it.

١١. يا دُموعي إِن سكتُّ أَنا
فَاشرحي أَنتِ الهَوى وصِفي