
O you who made his eyes out of snares

يا جاعلا عينيه من أشراك

1. O you who made his eyes out of snares
Leave your love, it is the end of snares

١. يا جاعلاً عينيهِ من أَشراكِ
تَركي هواكَ نهايةُ الإِشراكِ

2. When I saw you saunter gracefully
Were your stature people or a walking stick of arak wood

٢. لم أدرِ حينَ أراكَ تخطِرُ مائساً
أقوامُ قدِّكَ أم قضيبُ أراكِ

3. Or did you narrate the full moon on the night of its perfection
So the narrator magnified the worth of the narrator

٣. أم قد حكيتَ البدرَ ليلةَ تِمِّهِ
فاستَعظمَ المحكيُّ قدرَ الحاكي

4. And how often you interrupted my flirtation with flirtation
And how often you smiled while my eyelids cried

٤. وكمِ اعترضتَ تَذلُّلي بِتَذلُّلِ
وكمِ ابتسمتَ وجَفنُ عيني باكي

5. Whatever you wanted to reproach me and punish me with
Except with your captivating glancing eyes

٥. ما شئتَ عاتبني وعاقبني به
إِلاَّ بساحرِ طَرفكَ الفتاكِ

6. Had you not been complaining of the weapon of separation
My tongue would not have become complaining

٦. لو لم تَرُح شاكي سلاحِ الُمقلةِ ال
نَّجلاِ ما أضحى لسانيَ شاكي

7. O you who commanded my heart be rid of passion
I did not see any deliverance from it for an epoch

٧. يا آمري بخلاص قلبي من هوىً
لم أرجُ منه مدى الزَّمانَ فِكاكي

8. Where can the passionate overwhelmed lover flee
Brought down by the arrows of the eyes of the Turks

٨. أينَ المفرُّ لعاشقٍ مُتهتِّكٍ
صرعَتهُ أسهمُ أعيُنِ الأتراكِ

9. And my beloved among them, when he appears
The moons in the cosmos bow down before him

٩. وبمُهجتي منهم أغنُّ إذا بدا
سجدت له الأقمارُ في الأفلاكِ

10. He visits the well-adorned garden, his mouth
Scented at dawn with the toothbrush of miswak

١٠. يُزري على الرَّوضِ الُمدَبَّجِ ثغرُهُ
عندَ الصبَّاح بَعبقَةِ المِسواكِ