1. O you who convey the news of the generous ones, following
Their tracks in all they have trodden,
١. يا ناقِلاً خَبرَ الأَجوادِ مُتَّبِعاً
آثارَ فِعلِهمُ في كُلِّ ما سَلَكُوا
2. If you are asked about the world and its one,
Say: Damascus, and Musa the most noble king,
٢. إِذاَ سَأَلتَ عَنِ الدُّنيا وَوَاحِدِهَا
فَقُل دِمَشقُ وموُسَى الأَشرَفُ المَلِكُ
3. The one illuminated as the days, while the nights are dark,
The one pulling out his sword, while the horses clash,
٣. المُستَنيرُ سَناً والَّيلُ مُعتكرٌ
والمُستَشيطُ سَطَاً والخَيلُ تَعتَرِكُ
4. A king whom those who swear, swear by without hesitation,
Saying undoubtedly: he is the king,
٤. مَلكٌ تَبَرُّيَمينُ الُمقسِمينَ إِذاَ
قالوا بِغيرِ ارِتيابٍ إِنَّهُ مَلَكُ
5. He hides benevolence out of kindness though it is apparent,
And veils righteousness out of pardon though it is exposed,
٥. يُخفِي الصنَّيعةَ لُطفاً وهي ظاهِرةٌ
ويَستُرُ البِرَّ عَفواً وَهوَ منُهتِكُ
6. The attributes of his glories have flown so it is no wonder,
That one who says the meteors apart from it are but sparks,
٦. راقَت صفاتُ مَعَالِيهِ فَلَيسَ غَلا
مَن قالَ إِنَّ السهُّا من دوُنِها دَركُ
7. The tails of the nightly darkness love to caress his feet,
As if the orbit wishes to cast them in the ground as pegs,
٧. تَوَدُّ شُهبُ الدُّجَىَ حُباً لأخمصِهِ
وَوَطئِهِ لَو رَماها في الثرَّى الفَلَكُ
8. His two hands contradicted each other; one day in the havoc of war,
They are ferocious, and in views and opinions they wrestle,
٨. تَناقضَت رَاحتاهُ فهي يَومَ وغَىً
في الَفتكِ غُرٌّو في الآراءِ مُحتنِكُ
9. God has granted success to whoever spends his evening
In events, holding onto God's rope.
٩. قَد أَسعدَ اللهُ مَن أَمسَى بِراحَتهِ
في الحادِثاتِ بِحَبلِ اللهِ يَمتَسِكُ