1. Yes, these are the abodes, so greet them
With the greeting of one enamored of their length
ูก. ูุนู
ูุฐู ุงูุฏูููุงุฑู ูุญููููููููู
ุชูุญูููุฉู ู
ู ุจูุทููููููููููู
2. Grant me a standing, O Saad, wherein
You make me happy, be that one of them
ูข. ุฃูุนูุฑูู ููููุฉู ูุง ุณูุนุฏู ูููุง
ููุชูุณุนูุฏููู ุชูู ููู ุฃููู ู
3. Abodes whose right upon me is duty
Though upon lovers itโs become tradition
ูฃ. ุฏูุงุฑู ุญูููููููู ุนูููู ูุฑุถู
ูุฅู ุฃูุถุญุช ุนูู ุงูุนูุดููุงูู ุณููููุฉ
4. It suffices that my tear's halt when
The clouds of spring dry up their meadows
ูค. ูููุงูุง ุงูููููู ู
ู ุฏู
ูุนู ุฅุฐุง ู
ุฌูููุช ุณูุญุจู ุงูุฑููุจูุนู ุฑูุจูุนููููููู
5. Iโve eyelids with tears that do not cease
Though comforts flow to them copiously
ูฅ. ููู ุฃุฌูุงูู ุฏู
ุนู ููุณู ุชุฃูู
ุชูุณูุญูู ููุง ุบูููุซู ู
6. We complained of their weather, and hearts
From the distant scatter are tranquil
ูฆ. ุดููููุง ุฌูููููุง ููููุง ููููุจู
ู ุงูุจููู ุงููู
ุดูุชุชู ู
7. As for their gazelles, the does whose eyes
Passed, taking my blood their premier game
ูง. ุฃู
ุง ูุธุจุงุฆูุง ุงูุนูู ุงูููููุงุชู
ุถุช ุจุฏู
ู ุธูุจุง ุงูุญุงุธูููููู
8. With them my tenderness, eyelids gained
Bared swords against me, honed their edges
ูจ. ููุฏ ู
ููุช ุจูุง ุฑููููู ุฌูููู
ูุฌุฑููุฏุฉู ุนูููู ุณูููููููููู
9. As if their slender waists were lancesโ points
Made for them from the keenest iron
ูฉ. ูุฃููู ููุฏูุฏูููููู ุฑูู
ุงุญู ุฎุทูู
ููู ููููู ู
ู ุญุฏูู ุฃุณูููู
10. When the branches of the acacia bend
Laden with their ripened fruits
ูกู . ุฅุฐุง ู
ุง ู
ูููู ููุชู ุบุตููู ุจุงูู
ููุฏ ุฃุซููููููููู ุซูู
11. I think my cheekโs dusk when it turned away
Was its companion as it turned from them
ูกูก. ุฃุธูููู ุณูุงุฏู ูููุฏู ุญูู ููููู
ููุฏ ูููููููู ูุงูู ุญูููููููููููู