
O gleam of lightning, does any herald

هل مخبر يا لمعة البارق

1. O gleam of lightning, does any herald
Report neighbors who alighted at the flash?

١. هَل مُخبِرٌ يا لَمعَةَ البارِقِ
عن جِيرةٍ حَلُّوا على بارقِ

2. O breeze of the wild, is there any whiff
Blown from them to a longing lover?

٢. وَيا نَسيمَ البانِ هَل نَفحَةٌ
من نَحوهِمُ تُهدَى إِلى عَاشِقِ

3. If they have laden the zephyr with their traces,
Then welcome such fragrance from them;

٣. إِن حَمَّلوا رِيحَ الصَّبا نَشرَهُم
فَيَا لِنَشرٍ منُهمُ عابِقِ

4. Or sent their specter moving through the night,
Then greetings to the visitor in the dark;

٤. أَو أَرسلُوا طَيفَهُمُ طارِقاً
فَمَرحباً بالزَّائرِ الطَّارقِ

5. Their faces give light with their rays
When they appear in the gloom of nightfall;

٥. وُجوهُهُم تَهدي بِأَنوارها
إذا بدَت في ظُلمةِ الغاسِقِ

6. My heart is their dwelling, and lo, in my eyes
They have alighted on its overflowing porch.

٦. مَنزلهُم قَلبي وفي الطَّرفِ قَد
حَلُّوا على مَشرَعهِ الدَّافقِ