1. I see him turn pale when asked about my blood,
And on his cheeks are traces of it when confronted.
١. أراهُ يورِّي حينَ يُسألُ عن دمي
وفي وجَنتيهِ منه آثارُ عَندمِ
2. Of great beauty, rarely found his equal,
Though a slave, he exercises his master's control,
٢. كثيرُ معاني الحسنِ قلَّ نظيرُهُ
فها هوَ فردٌ ليسَ فيهِ بتوأَمِ
3. Like a gazelle exerting the might of a lion.
He appears like the full moon rising radiant,
٣. لهُ وهو مملوكٌ تحكُّمُ مالكٍ
كما هو ظبيٌ فيه صولةُ ضَيغمِ
4. Having emerged from the gloom of dark night.
With a brow that protects the cheek like a scorpion,
٤. يَلوحُ كبدرٍ طالعِ النُّورِ مُشرقٍ
بدا في دُجى ليلٍ مِنَ الشَّعرِ مُظلِمِ
5. And a branch that supports the stature like a pole.
So no eye but is in bliss and paradise,
٥. بُصدغٍ يُصانُ الخَدُّ منه بعقربٍ
وفَرعٍ يُزانُ القَدُّ منهُ بأرقمِ
6. Nor heart but is in inferno's heat and hell's blaze.
His mouth contains pearls of speech and a smiling mouth,
٦. فلا طَرفَ إلاَّ في نعيمٍ وجنَّةٍ
ولا قلبَ إلاَّ في لظىً وجهنَّمِ
7. Both cures for the sickness of the frowning displeased.
It speaks with the eloquence of scattered pearls,
٧. حَوى فمُه دُرَّي كلامٍ ومبسمٍ
هُما بُرءُ داءِ المستهامِ الُمتَيَّمِ
8. And smiles with the charm of well-strung pearls.
Stingy is he except with estrangement and aloofness,
٨. فينطِقُ عن لفظِ كدُرٍّ مبدَّدٍ
ويبسمُ عن ثَغرٍ كدرِّ منُظَّمِ
9. Generous is he only with hopes surrendered and resigned.
For when her cruelty has strung taut my hopes,
٩. ويبخَلُ إلاَّ بالبِعاد وبالجَفا
ويَسمحُ إلاَّ بالخيالِ الُمسَلِّمِ
10. His frowning eyebrows shoot arrows from his eyes.
And he strikes with the sword of smooth glance,
١٠. يَريشُ لَما قد أَوترت من قِسيِّها
حواجبُه مِن جفنهِ أيَّ أَسهُمِ
11. And stabs with the spear of slender shape.
He draws the bow of beauty doing battle,
١١. ويضرِبُ عن لحظِ بسيفٍ مهنَّدٍ
ويَطعَنُ من قدٍّ برمُحٍ مُلَهذَمِ
12. And naught but the killing of the unlawful is his goal.
Seeking the traits of noble birth while composing,
١٢. ويسطُو بالآتِ الجمالِ مُحارباً
وما ثَمَّ شيءٌ غير مقتلِ مُحرِمِ
13. Of its glories, poems of elaborate style.
Leave the lofty lightning to a hostile army,
١٣. أَطَالِبَ أَوصافِ النَّسيبِ وقاصِداً
محاسِنَ مِنها بالقَريضِ الُمنَمنَمِ
14. And spare the empty pen for a people camping.
The valley, the battleground, and the plain are my fields,
١٤. دَعِ البارِقَ العالي لِرَكبٍ مُقَوِّضٍ
وَخَلِّ الحِمىَ الخالي لِحَيٍّ مُخَيِّمِ
15. Where I ready archery and with the graceful mouth I aim.
Its comfortable abodes are the truest bliss,
١٥. وبالغَيضِ والَميدانِ والسَّفحِ ساحَتَي
نِقُوسا وَبِالثَغرِ الأَنيقِ الُمعَظَّمِ
16. Not veiled sanctuaries to be pried open.
But they are the zenith of ascent, and the stations of
١٦. مَنازِلُ يعدو أُمَّ أَوفَى نَعيمُها
فما هي بالدَّرَّاجِ فالُمتَثلمِ
17. The Pleiades, and the un-pierced hemisphere's guard.
Havens of rest, goblets of wine,
١٧. ولكِنَّها جَوُّ العُلا ومراكِزُ ال
قَنا السُّمرِ والشُّمُّ التي لم تُسنَّمِ
18. Radiant moons, and wheeling stars.
I say to Unaysa as she travels the plains
١٨. مسارحٌ آرامٍ وآجامُ أَشبُلٍ
وهالاتُ أَقمارٍ وَأَفلاكُ أَنجُمِ
19. Like an ostrich overfed vying for yet more feed.
It is desolation, travel, gloom, and exertion,
١٩. أقولُ لعنسي وهي تنصبُّ في السُّرَى
كفتخاءِ رَيدٍ حاولت فَضلَ مَطعَمِ
20. Girding determination through every pass.
Glad tidings he traced for me and said
٢٠. هُوَ القَفرُ والإِرقالٌ والسَّيرُّ والدُّجَى
وتَشميرٌ ذَيلِ العَزمِ في كُلَّ مَخرَمِ
21. When will you meet the impregnable capital's dawn?
Pitch hope's tent at Muhammad's abode
٢١. لَقَد خَطَّ لي خَطاً سعيداً وقَالَ لي
مَتَى تَلقَ شَهباءَ العواصِمِ تُعصَمِ
22. And fling down your staff and make camp.
For no possession but is for the Almighty
٢٢. أَنِخ طُلَّحَ الآمالِ عندَ محمّدٍ
وأَلقِ بناديهِ عَصاكَ وخَيِّمِ
23. And no sanctuary but beneath His shade.
So pitch your abode in His shadow sure.
٢٣. فلا مُلكَ إِلاَّ للعزَيزِ ولا حِمىً
سِوىَ ظِلِّهِ فاحطُط بهِ الرَّحلَ تَحتَمِ
24. Trust in Him, you'll be provided for. Ward off with Him, you'll be protected.
Attach yourself to Him, you'll be guided aright. Seek Him, you'll profit.
٢٤. تَوكَّل عليهِ تُكفَ وارمِ بهِ تُصِب
وَآولَهُ تَنجُ وأقصِدهُ تَغنَمِ
25. His house, you'll be given victory. His lightning, you'll be exalted.
His righteousness, you'll be rewarded. His majesty, you'll be revered.
٢٥. وَسُم دارهُ تُنصَر وَشِم بَرقهُ تُصبَ
وَرُم بِرَّهُ تَظفَر وَيمِّم تُعظَّمِ
26. His meadow, you'll be fertile. His basin's water you'll imbibe.
At his tomb, you'll gain wealth. Serve Him, you'll be served.
٢٦. وَرُد رَوضهُ تُخصِب ورد حوضَه تُصب
وَقبل ثَراهُ تُثرِوا خدمُهُ تُخدمِ
27. Thus have I come to offer Him vows and ritual,
And in clinging to Him, hardships were forbidden me.
٢٧. فضمُد وَفدت بي اليَعمُلات ونَصُّها
عَليهِ لَقِيتُ الحادثِاتِ بِمَحرمِ
28. So I was granted honor's generosity,
And kissed each tender spot from His shoed feet.
٢٨. فَأوليتُ خُوصَ العيسِ كُلَّ كَرامةٍ
وَقبَّلتُ من أَخفافها كُلَّ مَنسِمِ
29. And when visiting Him, chanting I offered this poem
That banishes sorrow when chanted musically.
٢٩. وَأَنشدتُ لَمَّا زُرتُهُ مُتَرنِّماً
بِشعرٍ يُزيلَ الهَمَّ عِندَ التَّرنُّمِ
30. Parting - but the one I parted from, no blame can be found.
A mother - but the one I purpose towards, the best of goals.
٣٠. فِراقٌ ومَن فارقتُ غَيرُ مُذَمَّمِ
وَأمٌّ وَمَن يمَّمتُ خَيرُ مُيمَّمِ
31. I woke under the shadow of Son of Ghazi Son of Yusuf,
And the eye of time was delighted with me through him.
٣١. وأصبَحتُ في ظلِّ ابنِ غازي بنِ يُوسفِ
وأنسانُ طَرفِ الدَّهرِ مِنَّي بهِ عَمِ
32. A king who has two days - a day of bestowal,
And a day of struggle painting the earth in blood.
٣٢. مَليكٌ لَهُ يَومانِ يومُ مَواهبٍ
وَيومُ كِفاحِ يَصبغُ الأَرضَ بالدَّمِ
33. No dissenter but is captive to his gifts,
No deserter but is stunted by his resolute helmsman.
٣٣. ولا طارقٌ إلاَّ أَسيرٌ لأَنعُمِ
وَلا مارقٌ إلاَّ عقيرٌ لقَشعَمِ
34. And if there is shortcoming, my excuse is clear,
Can heaven be climbed with a ladder?
٣٤. وإِن يَكُ تَقصيرٌ فَعُذريَ واضِحٌ
أيُمكِنُ أَن تُرقَى السماءُ بِسُلَّمِ
35. Anyway, You are the Just Judge. So distinguish
Between what I say, and judge with Your wisdom.
٣٥. وَبعدُ فَأنتَ العادِلُ الحُكمِ في الذي
تَقولُ فَميَّزهُ بِرأيكِ واحكُمِ
36. For not all who compose verse are poets,
Nor everyone with Incisors and canines, a lion.
٣٦. فما كُلَّ مَن حاكَ القَوافي بِشاعرِ
ولا كُلُّ ذي طُفرٍ ونابٍ بِضَيغَمِ