
Ruins of a dwelling below a rocky hill

طلل لعلوة دون سفح محجر

1. Ruins of a dwelling below a rocky hill
Watered by the rain of every downpour

١. طَلَلٌ لِعلوةَ دونَ سفحِ مُحجَّرِ
رَوَّتهُ دَيمةُ كلِّ غيثٍ مُمطِرِ

2. Over it blew an ailing breeze
That spread no fragrance of its pleasant dispersal

٢. وسَرَت عليهِ نُسيمةٌ معتلَّةٌ
عنَ غَيرِ طيِّبِ نَشرهِ لم تَنشُرِ

3. Until its chill mingled with shortened robes
And dyed and gilded and figured ones

٣. حتَّى تَسهَّمَ بُردُهُ بمُقتضَّبٍ
ومُخَضَّبٍ ومُدَرهَمٍ ومُدنَّرٍ

4. A garden I was devoted to, and the branch of my youth
Still green, though its prime at night was not moonlit

٤. ربعٌ علقتُ به وغصنُ شبيبتي
نَضِرٌ وفَودي لَيلهُ لم يُقمرِ

5. By God, the time of my youth I spent
In its atmosphere, sipping pure wine

٥. للهِ عَصرُ شبيبةٍ قضَّيتُه
في جوِّهِ بِرحيقِ صِرفٍ مُسكرِ

6. With each graceful, swaying, gazelle-like one
With shapely neck and fawn-like doe eyes

٦. مع كُلِّ مُعتدِلٍ يُرنِّحُ صَعدةً
مِن قدِّه ويُديرُ مقُلةَ جُؤذَرِ

7. And a delicate, elegant one - if unveiled
On the full moon night, she'd not be outshone

٧. ورَشيقةٍ ممشوقةٍ لو نُقِّبت
بالبَدرِ ليلةَ تَمِّهِ لم يُسفرِ

8. Your cheek makes evident to me a sick, sleepless eye
Was not, for killing a passion-maddened lover like me, remorseful

٨. خودُ تُريكَ سقيمَ جفنٍ لم يَكُن
مِن قَتلِ صَبٍّ مُغرمٍ مثلي بَري

9. It sheds, from a dewy mouth whose pearls
Were adorned by its ruby with priceless jewels

٩. تَفترُّ عن ثَغرٍ نضيدٍ دُرُّهُ
حُفَّت عقيقتُه بِسمطَي جَوهرِ

10. It protects its kisses with a gaze whose arrow
Can slay without even a taut bow

١٠. يَحمي مُقبَّله بِطَرفٍ سَهمُهُ
يُصمي به من غَيرِ قوسٍ مُوتَرٍ