1. Since he unsheathed his sharpened sword at nightfall,
it meets with nothing but spilled blood.
١. مذُ شامَ سيفَ لحاظهِ المسلولا
ما تلتقي إلاَّ دماً مَطلولا
2. A slender waist whose belt you see
decorated with pearls in rows.
٢. رَشأُ يُجَدِّلُنا لَهُ خصرٌ ترَى
منهُ مكانَ وشاحهِ مَجدولا
3. In nature like a gazelle, or even like a fierce lion,
in manner he can make the mighty abased.
٣. كالظَّبيِ خلقاً بل كرئبالِ الشَّرى
خُلقاً يُعيدُ به العزيزَ ذَليلا
4. If he gives, say how his secret was exposed,
and if he is angry, say how he emptied his hatred.
٤. فإذا عطا قل كيفض فارقَ سريَه
وإذا سطا قل كيفَ أخلى الغِيلا
5. The inclinations of his features never lean
except to let his spittle spread.
٥. نَشوانُ ما مالت شَمائلُ عِطفهِ
إلاَّ لكونِ الرِّيقِ منهُ شَمولا
6. If he wished, he could revive with his blows
one left as a corpse by his blinking eyes.
٦. لو شاءَ أحيا بالرُّضابِ ورَشفهِ
مَن غادرَتهُ مُقلَتاهُ قتيلا
7. So it is as if there were a second Messiah in his mouth
and two Azraels in his eyelids,
٧. فكأنَّ في فيهِ مسيحاً ثانياً
وكأنَّ في جفنيه عزرائيلا
8. A moon who, when he appears in a meadow,
you see above him a crown from every side.
٨. قمرٌ يريكَ إِذا بدا في نَثرةٍ
مِن كلِّ طَرفٍ فَوقَه إِكليلا
9. He is of compact build, having no softness,
so my long night remains forever prolonged.
٩. مُتقاربٌ ما منه حظِّي وافرٌ
فمديدُ ليلي لا يزالُ طويلا
10. He is easygoing about my weakness,
having a tendency and eyelids that know no inclination.
١٠. مَرحٌ بِقدكمُ على ضعفي له
ميلٌ وجَفنٌ ليسَ يعرفُ مِيلا