
I languish in your love though you are heedless,

حتام أرفل في هواك وتغفل

1. I languish in your love though you are heedless,
Why should I jest about your love while you jest?

١. حتَّام أرفلُ في هواك وتغفلُ
وعلامَ أُهزلُ في هَواكَ وتهزلُ

2. O you who has kindled fires in my innermost being,
Burning so fiercely I am about to wither and wither away.

٢. يا مُضرماً في مهجتي بصُدودهِ
حُرقاً يكادُ لهنَّ يذبلُ يذبلُ

3. My heart points to you, for in gloom you are
The moon in the sky, you have made it your dwelling.

٣. القلبُ دلَّ عليكَ إنَّك في الدُّجا
قمرُ السَّماءِ لأنَّه لكَ مَنزلُ

4. Grant that your cheek was afflicted with a blemish,
Why did your temple become disturbed while it is chained?

٤. هب أنَّ خدَّكَ قد أُصيبَ بِعارضٍ
ما بالُ صدغِكَ راحَ وهوَ مُسَلسلٌ

5. I swear by your eyebrow that has not knitted
Except to show us a captive and it is unleashed.

٥. قسماً بحاجبكَ الذي لم ينعقد
إلاَّ أرانا السَّبي وهوَ محلَّلُ

6. And by the smoothness of the saliva of your mouth,
It was interpreted, it is the soft flowing nectar.

٦. وبما بثغركَ مِن سُلافةِ ريقةِ
عنُبت فقيلَ هي الرَّحيقُ السَّلسلُ

7. If it were not for your organized kissed lips,
It would not have passed from loving you while being kissed.

٧. لولا مقبَّلكَ المنظَّمُ عقدهُ
ما راحَ من هواكَ وهوَ مُقبَّلُ

8. Your beauty and charm if it went beyond reproaching me
And I was saved from it, it would be wholesale and retail.

٨. حثزني وحسنُك إِن لغا من لامني
ونجوتُ منهُ فمجملٌ ومفصَّلُ

9. If you were just in the law of love,
My unjust one, you would not have been unjust with me.

٩. لو كنتَ في شرعِ المحبَّةِ عادلاً
يا ظالمي ما كنتَ عني تعدلُ

10. I importune you, and if he knew of my youthfulness,
He who blames would give me respite from his blaming.

١٠. أُلحي عليكَ ولو دَرى بصبَابتي
لأراحني من لومه مَن يعذُلُ

11. Or is it not strange that my tears are eloquent
Of the secret I conceal while it is neglected?

١١. أَوما العجيبةُ أنَّ دمعي مُعربٌ
عن سرِّ ما أخفيه وهوَ الُمهملُ

12. I sacrifice myself while your affliction comes to you hastily,
I have exposed the secret of passion and over it the morning dawn streams.

١٢. أُضحي وبالكَ من بلاءٍ هاتكاً
سترَ الهوى وعليهِ أصبحَ يُسبلُ

13. O you who commands me to be patient so it may deceive me,
Patience, as you say, is most beautiful.

١٣. يا آمري بسلوِّه ليغُرَّني
إنَّ السُّلو كما تقولُ لأجمَلُ

14. But the deliverance of a lovesick heart is dear,
Whose hands are left by separation and it is confused.

١٤. لكن يعزُّ خلاصُ قلبِ مُتيَّمٍ
تركتهُ أيدي الهجرِ وهوَ مبُلبَلُ

15. Alas! No! There is no life for one who becomes
In his body for every limb there is death.

١٥. هيهاتَ كلاَّ لا حياةَ لمن غدا
مِن جسمِه في كلِّ عُضوٍ مقتَلُ

16. And for many a reproacher whose coquetry has wounded,
I contain while the best wealth is spent wealth.

١٦. ولرُبَّ عاذلةٍ شَجاها بذلُ ما
أحوي وخيرُ المالِ مالٌ يُبذلُ

17. The young virgin reproaches me and she knows
That in what she has intended from reproaching me she is ignorant.

١٧. بكرت تُعنِّفُني وتعلمُ أنَّها
فيما توخَّت من عتابِي تجهلُ

18. She said, “I have destroyed what my hands possessed.
Who is he, that when you are brought up, you can depend on?"

١٨. قالت وقَد أَتلفَتُ ما مَلكَت يَدي
من ذا عليه إِذا تربتَ تُعوِّلُ

19. So I answered her with firm intoxicated determination,
The pangs of love from its occurrence shake and quiver.

١٩. فأَجبتُها بعَزيمةٍ مُرِّيةس
شمُّ الذُّرا من وَقعِها تَتقلقلُ

20. By Allah! I do not fear tribulations and I have a refuge
That is the abode of the mighty king, my father al-Muzaffar.

٢٠. تاللهِ لا خفِتُ الخُطوبَ ولي حِمَى ال
ملكِ العزيز أَبي الُمظفَّرِ موئِلُ

21. A king whose good treatment I am certain of
And I depend on the gifts of his palm.

٢١. مَلكٌ بحُسنِ صنيعهِ أَنا واثِقٌ
وعلَى مواهبِ كفِّهش مُتوكِّلُ