1. You spoke of the slopes of Aghq and its dwellings
Speak, when you speak of its inhabitants
١. حدَّثتَ عَن رَندِ العَقيقِ وبانِهِ
حَدِّث إذا حَدَّثتَ عَن سُكانِهِ
2. Stop at Al-Matiyya, perhaps we may be healed
By what was lost from it of homeland soil
٢. قِف بِالَمطيَّ لَعَلَّنا نُشفَى بِمَا
قَد ضَاعَ مِنها من ثَرى أَوطانِهِ
3. O you wearing the garments of breeze from the heat
And smeared with perfume from its sand dunes
٣. يا لابِساً حُلَلَ النَّسيمِ منَ الحِمَى
وَمُضمَّخاً بالطَّيبِ من كُثبانِه
4. And embracing the youthful morning breeze in its basin
And masked by the fragrance of Thuwan's soil
٤. ومُعانِقاً نَفَسَ الصَّبا من دَوحِهِ
وَمُلثَّماً بِشذا ثَرى حُوذانِهِ
5. And relating a supported narration
About that pastureland and its neighbors
٥. وَمُحدِّثاً يَروي حديثاً مُسنَداً
عَن ذِلكَ اللَّبَّانِ عن جيرانِهِ
6. You were greeted by one who delights in his talk
And the scattering of the lost radiates from its valleys
٦. حُيِّيتَ من سارِ يُسرُّ حديثَهُ
ويَفوحُ نشرُ الضَّالِ من أردانِهِ
7. You revived in us every longing dead one
And restored in him the soul to its body
٧. أَحييتَ منا كُلَّ ميتِ مُتَيَّمِ
وَأَعَدت مِنهُ الرُّوحَ في جُثمانِهِ
8. And conveyed from the people of the sand dune a message
And I see the breeze spreading it with its tongue
٨. وَنَقلتَ عَن أَهلِ الكَثيبِ رسالَةً
وَأَرى النَّسيمَ يَبُثُّها بلِسانهِ
9. And it says that they, as I left them
From the days of ardour and its time
٩. وَيَقولُ إِنَّهمُ على ما خِلتَهم
مِن عَهدِ أَيَّامِ الحِمَى وَزَمانِهِ