1. Dawn sprinkled the juice of grapes with flutes and lute
So drink, for the bowl of wood is now lost
١. بَاكرِ دَمَ الزِّقِّ بالنَّايات وَالعُودِ
واشرب فقد ضاعَ منها مَندَلُ العَودِ
2. Do you not see it stained on the breast of the jar
Flowing with filtered syrup from the grape vine
٢. أَما تراهُ بِنَحرِ الزِّقِّ مُنبجساً
يُجري بعرقٍ من الراووقِ مَفصودِ
3. The rooster has woken the sleepy from ecstasy
To the morning with clapping and singing
٣. والدِّيكُ قد نبَّهَ النُّوَّامَ من طَربٍ
إلى الصَّباحِ بِتَصفيقِ وتَغريدِ
4. And the army of dawn has launched its vanguards
Like falling stars upon the dark night's retreat
٤. وَعَسكرُ الصُّبحِ قَد غَارَت طلائِعُهُ
شُهباً على أَدهمِ للَّيلِ مَطرودِ
5. The goblet has clinked as the pitcher smiles
With pearls of water beads gathered round
٥. والكأسُ قد قَهقَهَ الإِبريقُ فابتسمَت
عن لُؤلُؤٍ من حَبابِ الماءِ مَنضودِ
6. Rise, let us head to the monastery of the priest
For we thirst for the water of the vine
٦. قوموا بنَا نحو ديرِ القَسِّ نطرقُهُ
فَقَد ظِمئنا إلى ماءِ العَنَاقيدِ
7. We'll have a sip, from what it has stored
In its jars, for the holidays and feasts
٧. نَستَقِهِ شَمسةً ممَّا قَدِ ادَّخرَت
مِنها القَواويسُ أعيادَ الَمواليدِ
8. That which the monks so revere
And the priest has baptized all believers with
٨. مِنَ التي عظَّم الرُّهبانُ حُرمَتها
وقرَّب القِسُّ منها كلَّ معمودِ
9. I have lived in its lowlands for ages
While Adam himself was not yet present
٩. من عَنستُ في دَنِّها حِقَباً
كانَت وما آدمٌ يوماً بموجودِ
10. Were it not for the goodness of its being
It would be like a delusion, lost and absent
١٠. كادَت من الَمكثِ لولا طِيبُ عُنصُرِها
تَضحي كَوَهم من الأَوهامِ مَفقودِ
11. On Easter Day its clothes are carried
By the hands of priests, the joy of the feast
١١. أَثوابُها عِندَ يَومِ الفِصحِ تَحمِلُها
أيدي القُسُوسِ فَكَانَت بهجَةَ العيدِ
12. And they crept around it, the Bible in joy
Circling with reverence and praise
١٢. وَزَحفوا حَولَها الإِنجيلَ مِن فَرحٍ
بِها وَطافوا بِتَعظيم وَتَمجيدِ
13. They prayed over it and circled its tavern
For ages long, with chant and verse
١٣. صَلُّوا عَلَيها وطَافوا حَولَ حانتِها
دَهراً طويلاً بِتَلحينٍ وَتَرديدِ
14. So if we drink from their chalices
A cup that says to the days of youth "return"
١٤. فَإِن سَقَونا شَرِبنا مِن مُدامَتهِم
كأساً تَقولُ لأَيَّامِ الصِّبا عودي