1. O you who reproach me, I swear by Him who split the seed,
Death to those infatuated is but the seed unsplit,
١. يا عَاذلي قَسماً بمن فَلقَ النَّوى
ما المُوتُ عندَ ذوي الهوَى إلاَّ النَّوى
2. So why blame me, while fate's nights are jet-black,
Regret moves on, and the star I wished upon has set.
٢. فَإلامَ لومٌ والرَّكائبُ طُلَّحُ
حَسرَى تَسيرُ ونَجمُ شَملي قَد هَوى
3. The abodes will survive, though their moons are no more,
Living they were, though their beauty was undone by fate.
٣. نأتِ الدِّيارُ بِبَدرِ حَيِّ لم يَدَع
حيَّاً وما أَودَى بمُهجَتهِ الجَوَى
4. You could bend the branch of his softness if you wished,
And twist it gently from the softness of his raiment.
٤. تَرفِ البَنانِ قَوامهُ لو شِئتَ أن
تَلويهِ من لين المعَاطفِ لالتَوى
5. Of sweet agreeableness, the down on his cheek delicate,
Hovering above a throne, like anemone poised on high.
٥. حُلوِ الرُّضَابِ لَطِيفُ خالِ خُدودهِ
من فوقِ عرشٍ كالشَّقيقِ قدِ استَوى
6. Below his eyelids he unleashed an arrow from his temple,
And so commanded all creation to passionate love.
٦. في فَترةِ الأجَفانِ أرسلَ صُدغَهُ
فَلذاكَ قد أمرَ الخَلائِقَ بالهَوىَ
7. Of varied traits, except that with his seductive glance
He softened hearts, and ardor's thirst parched those enslaved.
٧. مُتشعِّبِ الأَوصافِ إلاَّ أَنَّهُ
رقَّ القُلوبِ بطرفهِ السَّاجي حَوى
8. Admiring youth bends him, taking him to be
A bough of araak wood stirring softly in the breeze at dawn.
٨. يَثنيه إِعجابُ الصِّبا فتخالُه
غُصنَ الأراكِ يميسُ في حقِفِ اللَّوَى
9. He judges me, though in truth my secret love for him
Grants me no redemption, nor any cure for my affliction.
٩. قَاسٍ عليَّ وما لأسري فيهِ من
فادٍ ولا فيهِ لدِائي من دَوَا
10. For the fire of my passion was rekindled by his disdain,
As the winds of blame blew from every direction.
١٠. فَكانَّ نارَ صَبابتي فيه غَضىً
هَبَّت لهُ ريحٌ بمُختلف الصُّوَى
11. And many a hidden encampment will his steed not visit
For fear of estrangement and the perils of departure.
١١. وَلرُبَّ مجهولِ الفَلا تَردِي بِهِ
خُوص الرِّكابِ من الضّما ومنَ الطَّوَى
12. If he had travelled by the stars at dawn he'd lose his way,
Or if lightning had crossed that terrain it would fear destruction.
١٢. لَو سارَ فيهِ النَّجمُ صُبحاً ما اهتَدى
أَو مَرَّ فيهِ البَرقُ خافَ من التَّوى