
I have always asked him so many questions

لم أزل مكثرا عليه السؤالا

1. I have always asked him so many questions
Yet he answers me with nothing but "no"

١. لم أزل مُكثِراً عليهِ السُّؤالا
وجَواباً ما عندهُ لي سِوى لا

2. Whenever I lean in to sip the sweet honey from his lips
He shakes his slender figure and says "don't!"

٢. كلَّما رُمتُ رشفَ معسولِ فيهِ
هَزَّ لي مِن قوامِه عسَّالا

3. He recoils in wonder and hints at refusal
Then leans in close again to say "come hither"

٣. وتثنَّى عجُباً وماسض دَلاَلاً
وانثنَى مُعرضاً وصالَ وقَالا

4. I was used to wine though it is forbidden
So why did it become permissible with you?

٤. كانَ عهدي بالخمر وهيَ حرامٌ
فبماذا صارت عليكَ حَلالا

5. It's as if I'm a scholar of love when with him
I came to him seeking debate and discourse

٥. ما كأنِّي في الحُبِّ إلاَّ فقيهٌ
جئتُهُ ابتغي لديهِ الجِدالا

6. I meant to kiss him for guidance
Yet my saliva was his harsh rebuke or misguidance

٦. أنا قصدي تَقبيلُهُ أرَشاداً
كانَ رشقي رُضابَهُ أم ضَلالا

7. My mind was confused in explaining my state to him
How can a lion spare a gazelle?

٧. حارَ منِّي في شرحِ حالَيهِ فكِري
كيفَ يسطُو ليثاً ويعطو غزالا

8. If I obey this passion for him, then I
Have disobeyed the Guide and the Judge

٨. إن اطعتُ الغَرامَ فيه فإني
قد عصيتُ اللُّوَّامَ والعُذَّالا

9. How many glances from his eyes in the night club
Fleeting from under his eyebrows like arrows

٩. كم لعينيهِ في الحشا لحظاتٍ
مُنتضاتٍ عن حاجبيهِ نبالا

10. Oh what a warrior he is against my love
Calling out with his lashes "to battle!"

١٠. يا لهُ مِن مجاهدٍ في محبيِّ
هِ ينُادي بمقلتيهِ النُزالا

11. He fights only with languid, drowsy eyes
With tears flowing from the lids as weapons

١١. لم يقاتِل إلاَّ بمنُكسِراتِ
ومراضٍ مِنَ الجُفونِ كَسالي

12. The uncaring support him over me
Whenever the souls become cheap, he becomes dear

١٢. نصرتهُ عليهمُ فاتراتٌ
كلَّما أرخصَ النفُّوَس تَغَالى

13. Every war is for him and not against him
Though we hear it said to be mere squabbling

١٣. كُلُّ حربِ لهُ وَلَيست عليهِ
وسمعنا بها تكونُ سِجالا

14. I am tempted by his indifference to roam
To forsake sleep and join those who are parted

١٤. هِمتُ منهُ بهائمٍ بجفاهُ
هاجرٍ هجريَ الرُّقادَ وصِالا

15. Mocking the branches as he walks with a sway
And the spears as he stands with poise

١٥. هازئاً بالغُصونِ عطفاً وبالكِث
بانِ ردفاً وبالرَّماحِ اعتِدالا

16. And the morning light on his cheek and the shady
Tresses as water and moles as beauty

١٦. وبضوءِ الصبَّاحِ ثغراً وبالظَّل
ماءِ شَعراً وبالبُدورِ جمَالا

17. It did not pain me to lose the apple of my eye
When he shaped it with his mole

١٧. ما شَجاني فَقدي لحبَّةِ قلبي
عندما صاغَها بخديَّهِ خالا

18. He busied himself with his cup until we saw
The crescent moon as a halo around the sun

١٨. قامَ يسعَى بكأسِه فرآينا
في يمينِ الهِلالِ للشمَّسِ هالا

19. The drunkenness of youth distracted us
He is a mere boy who got a bit lost

١٩. وثناه سُكرُ الشَّبابِ فخِلنا
هُ قَصيباً أصاب ريحاً شَمالا

20. My jealousy over his love blamed me
And I see no fault in his love

٢٠. وَعذُولي على هواهُ لَحاني
وأرى العَذلَ في هَواهُ محُالا

21. He is accustomed to blame in love and coyness
While I whisper to him as he feigns sleep

٢١. أَلِفَ اللَّومَ في الهوى والتَّجنيّ
وأُناجيهِ وهو مُوَسى النَّوَالا

22. A king too glorious to be condemned by a king
Too exalted or base in status and grandeur

٢٢. مَلِكٌ جَلَّ أَن يدُانيهِ ملَكٌ
جَلَّ أو قلَّ رِفعةً وجَلاَلا

23. The higher he rose in glory and pride
The humbler he became like a servant

٢٣. كُلمَّا زادَ في المعالي عُلُوّاً
زادَ كيوانٌ مِن عُلاهُ استِفالا

24. With his generous right hand, if he gives or withholds
He spreads rizq and apportions lives among the people

٢٤. ذو يَمينِ إن جاد أو جال بَثَّت
في الأنامِ الأَرزاقَ والآجَالا

25. You see him with the sword give life
And take the lives of the wrongdoers and heroes

٢٥. فَتَراهُ بالسيَّبِ كالسيَّفِ يُحيي
ويُميتُ العُفاة والأبطالا

26. Oh you rebels calling others to ascend the high dunes
How long will you roam the deserts?

٢٦. يا بُغاةَ الندى إلى كَم تَحثو
نَ الَمطايا فَتَفطعونَ الرُمالا

27. It is enough for you to reach Damascus
Then settle there and unload your burdens

٢٧. قَد كُفيِتم إذا وصَلتمُ دِمَشقاً
فَأنيخوُا بِها وَحطُّوا الرِّحالا

28. None can guarantee rizq other than
Moses after God the Exalted

٢٨. لَيسَ في الخَلق من يَقومُ برزقٍ
غَيرَ موسى بَعدَ الإِلَهِ تَعالى