
How often does the heart sting from the sting

كم يلدغ لاعدمته من لدغ

1. How often does the heart sting from the sting
Of that scorpion though it has no tail!

١. كَم يَلدَغُ لاعَدِمتُهُ من لَدغٍ
قَلبي عَبثَاً عَقربُ ذاكَ الصُّدغِ

2. O oppressor! You have gone to the furthest extreme of tyranny, so beware
Of the consequence of injustice - to what end do you seek to do wrong?

٢. يا ظالِمُ جُرتَ غايَةَ الجَورِ فَخَف
من عَاقِبَةِ البَغي إلى كَم تبغي