1. The people of Najd have no longing like mine,
Which I have expressed, and like my intimate friend's.
١. ما عندَ سُكَّانٍ بنَجدِ
شَوقي الذي ألقى ووجدي
2. O neighbor who shares in my torment of separation!
Will we ever meet again after this distance?
٢. يا جيرةً بلوى النَّقا
هل نلتَقي من بَعدِ بُعدِ
3. Your absence makes my yearning all the stronger,
So leave these encampments, which are no remedy!
٣. أقوى لبُعدِكُم الحِمَى
وَذُرا الأَراكِ وَلَيسَ يُجدي
4. The doves of Dawhah have told
What my tear-stained cheek has confided.
٤. وشكَت حمائمُ دَوحِهِ
ما قَد شَكَا للِدَّمعِ خَدِّي
5. For your loss I weep with inconsolable grief,
In which there is no ostentation or affectation.
٥. وَبَكى لفقدكُمُ أَسىً
ما فيهِ من بانٍ وَرَندِ
6. You were the intimate companionship for me
That, when we gathered together, was always with me.
٦. كُنتُم لهُ الأُنسَ الذي
عندَ التَّداني كانَ عِندي
7. Through my devotion to you I have become,
Though I am the lowliest slave, a source of pride.
٧. أصبحَتُ من كَلفي بِكُم
والفَخرُ لي كَأقلِّ عبدِ
8. I have bound my soul to love of you,
Would that it had attained what it hoped for!
٨. علقت بكُم روحي هوىً
يا ليتها ظَفِرَت بِسَعدِ
9. Return, for when adversity prolongs its stay,
Make my heart patient with a promise.
٩. عُودوا فإِن حالَ الزَّمَا
نُ فَعلِّلوا قَلبي بِوَعدِ
10. Whenever I remember anyone but you,
Then you are the goal of all my intentions.
١٠. فَمَتى ذَكرتُ سِواكُمُ
يوماً فأَنتمُ جُلُّ قَصدي