1. There is no shame in your standing in the desolate valley
If you are not afflicted by my illness and poverty, you have no shame
١. ما في وقوفِكَ في الجرعاءِ من عارِ
إن لم تكن من سَقامِي والضنَّى عاري
2. These are the playing fields of that gazelle, so throw with them
Take your bedroll away from the caravan with me, O freeman
٢. هذي ملاعبُ ذاكَ الرِّيمِ فارمِ بِها
معي لحاظَكَ دون الرَّكبِ يا حارِ
3. Stop for me, for in my stopping at the sanctuary are wonders
Conceal that you found joy, then my secrets
٣. قِف لي فلي في وقوفي بالحمى أَرَبٌ
واكتُم لَقيتَ سروراً ثمَّ أَسراري
4. And watch my flirting with that gazelle when
He rang and touched the horseman and the knight
٤. وانظر مغازلَتي ذاكَ الغزالَ إذا
رنا وماسَ بعسَّال وبتَّارِ
5. I cast my heart and I have no quiver for it
With arrows that flew without bowstrings
٥. رمي فؤادي وما عندي لهُ تِرَةٌ
بأسهمٍ فُوِّقت من غيرِ أوتارِ
6. So he confused the difference between dusk and dawn
And confused the cheek between water and fire
٦. فحيَّرَ الفَرقَ ما بينَ الدُّجى وضُحىً
وحيَّر الخدَّ بينَ الماءِ والنارِ
7. Whoever is lost in his poetry is guided by his smile
And his radiant, captivating mouth
٧. من ضلَّ في شَعرهِ يُهدَي بمبسمهِ
وثغرهِ البارقِ الشاري بهِ شاري
8. I raised the story of the tear of the eye, and it was continuously flowing
Never ceasing, the flow of this streaming tear
٨. رفعتُ قصَّةَ دمعِ العينِ لي وَقِعٌ
لا ينقطع رسمُ هذا المدمعِ الجاري
9. Woe to whoever climbs the ruins, lamenting them
What use is asking about the imprint and the house?
٩. ويحَ المعرَّجِ بالأطلالِ يندبُها
ماذا يفيدُ سؤالُ الرَّسمِ والدارِ