1. You have adorned the cheek of my companion with kohl eyeliner,
And fastened the spear of stature with a sharp stab.
١. حميتَ شقيقَ الخدِّ بالُمقلةِ الكَحلا
وثَّقفتَ رُمحَ القَدِّ بالطَّعنةِ النَجلا
2. You have sent ahead scouts from an army of beauties,
So how cheap are the captives and how many are the slain.
٢. وأطلعتَ من جيشِ الجمالِ طلائعاً
فما أرخص الأسرى وما أكثرَ القَتلى
3. I see beauty as your hair, you are the subject of this poem,
And the verses recited are revealed to you as prophecy.
٣. أرى الحسنَ شعراً أنتَ بيتُ قصيدهِ
ومنزلَ وحي فيك آياتُه تُتلى
4. Your sharp spears give strength and liveliness
To our killing, though you are the weak and lazy one.
٤. لُمقِلتيكَ النَّجلا نَشاطٌ وقوَّةٌ
على قتلنِا وهيَ الضَّعيفةُ والكَسلَى
5. I have willingly wasted my passion on your love,
Leaving me no核 of reason safe from your aloofness.
٥. أذبتُ اختياراً في هواكَ حُشاشتي
فلم يُبقِ لي لُباً جَفاكَ ولا عَقلا
6. Tell me, while there is still soul left in my body for it to melt away,
Whose secrets wear one down and whose affection decays one?
٦. فَقُل لي وما في الجسمِ روحٌ تُذيبُها
سرائرُ من تُبلى ومُهجةُ من تَبلَى