1. With his alluring glance he has slain me
And with his shapely neck and teeth.
١. قَتلي بِناظِرِ طَرفِهِ الوَسنانِ
وَبِعَامِلٍ من قَدِّهِ وَسِنَانِ
2. Sweeter to my heart, though separation's bitterness is great,
Than my humiliation and the bitterness of estrangement.
٢. أَحلى إِلى قَلبي وَقَد عزَّ العَزا
من ذِلَّتي ومَرارةٍ الهِجرانِ
3. O companion, if you pass by the loved one's abode
Take care - lest you rouse the jealous spies.
٣. يا صاحِ إِن رُمتَ الُمرورَ بِرامةٍ
حَذِراً عَلَيَّ مراتِعَ الغِزلانِ
4. There my passion was born, there I learned
Through disdain and long estrangement to bear my torment.
٤. فيها تَعلَّقتُ الهَوَى وَعَرفتُ من
بالصَّدِّ والهَجرِ الطَّويلِ رَماني
5. Steal with me to my camp, by the winding path of devotion,
That the thirst of the love-crazed heart may be quenched.
٥. سِر بي إلى سِربي بِمنُعرَجِ اللِّوى
فَلَعلَّ تُروَى غُلَّةُ الظَّمآنِ
6. Take to the sweet-smelling branch, for in it is the fragrance
Of the garden's blossoms and trees.
٦. وَعَليكَ بالغُصُنِ الرَّطيبِ فَفَيهِ ما
في الروَّضِ من زَهرٍ وفي البُستانِ
7. Were it not for the greenness of his fresh youth,
I would not wander distraught amid the basil bushes.
٧. لولا اخضِرارُ عِذارِهِ ما كُنتُ في
كَلَفي أَهيمُ بِخُضرةِ الرَّيحانِ
8. Never! Were it not for that shapely neck,
I would not be weary of clinging to the boughs.
٨. كَلاَّ وَلَولا عامِلٌ من قَدَّهِ
ما ملِتُ من كَلَفي إِلى الأَغصانِ
9. The beauty of the slender and graceful one was not marred
If he adorned his charm with kindness.
٩. ما ضَرَّ مَعسولَ القَوامِ رَشيقَهُ
لَو زانَ مِنهُ الحُسنَ بالإِحسانِ
10. I forget him and am deprived of the wine of his saliva
If another settles in my intimacy.
١٠. أُنسيتُه وحُرِمتُ خمرةَ ريقِهِ
إن حلَّ قَطُّ سِواهُ في إِنساني
11. No sin except to the eyes, which made attractive
What they borrowed from the charm of the supple bough.
١١. لا ذَنبَ إلاَّ للعُيونِ فَإِنَّها
قَد حَسَّنَت من عِطفِ غُصنِ البانِ
12. They stole the provisions of beauty from him, so they gained
Sleeplessness - and that is the right of the thief.
١٢. سَرَقَت نِصابَ الحُسنِ مِنهُ فَنالَها
قَطعُ الرُّقادِ وذاكَ حَقُّ الجَاني