
She passed by, and from them came news

مرت وفي طيها من عندهم خبر

1. She passed by, and from them came news
Of youth that arrived, and the night's shirt was unveiled

١. مَرَّت وفي طَيِّها مِن عِندِهِم خَبَرُ
صَباً أَتَت وَقَميصُ اللَّيلِ مُنحَسرُ

2. She blew gently, by Allah how she has enchanted
A heart, and how much grace the magic brought us

٢. هَبَّت سُحَيراً فيا للهِ كم سحَرَت
قلباً وَكَم مِنَّةً أهدى لنا السَّحرُ

3. And she spoke, so our souls blossomed and grew
When we understood, and imagined what they mentioned

٣. وَحَدَّثَت فانتَشَت أَرواحُنا وَنشَت
لمَّا فَهِمنا وَهِمنا بالذي ذَكَرُوا

4. Were it not for the young woman's robe, blowing their speech around
The ground would not be covered by its fragrant hem

٤. لَولا ادِّراعُ الصَّبا رَيَّا حَدِيثهمُ
ما طبَّقَ الأرضَ منها المندلُ العَطرُ

5. By the shooting star's ink, when they appeared
And the swords' eyelids, which became famous when they were seen

٥. فَلا ومُلدِ غُصونِ من قُدودهمُ
تَزر بِسُمرِ القَنا الخَطّارِ إِذ خَطَروا

6. And were sheathed into the heart's core when they looked
By the night of the branch that misguided its darkness' journey

٦. وَحَقِّ أَسيافِ أَجفَانٍ لَهُم شُهِرَت
فَأُغمِدت في صَميمِ القَلبِ إِذ نَظَروا

7. And the dawn's truth that guided them when they traveled
My eyes have not seen beauty after them

٧. وَلَيلِ فرعٍ أَضلَّ السَّفر غَيهَبُهُ
وَحَقِّ صُبحٍ هَداهُم عِندَما سَفَروا

8. No, nor has any thought occurred to me but theirs

٨. ما إِن رأَت مُقلَتي من بَعدِهِم حَسَناً
كَلاَّ ولا خَطَرت في غَيرِهم فِكَرُ