
Your poetry is for Allah, O eloquent one, for I have delighted my eyes in His beautiful gardens.

لله شعرك يا بليغ فإنني

1. Your poetry is for Allah, O eloquent one, for I have delighted my eyes in His beautiful gardens.
It combines rhetoric altogether, with its two edges between His making and His making.

١. للهِ شعرُكَ يا بليغُ فإِنَّني
نَزَّهتُ طرفي في رياضِ بديعهِ

2. The deaf listen to the gravity of its wording, and the water of virtue overflows in its variation.
Literature becomes distinct in it, dispersed, and appears clearly in its collection.

٢. متناسبٌ ضمَّ البَيانَ بِأَسرهِ
طَرفَيهِ بينَ صنيعهِ وَصنيعهِ

3. In it, meter is unneeded, for we are guided by its correctness to its scansion.
O you who dresses in the garments of traits perfectly, though all of them, by Allah, are but some of His creation.

٣. يُصغي الأَصَمُّ إِلى جزالةِ لَفظِهِ
ويفيضُ ماءُ الفَضلِ في تَنويعهِ

4. You have bestowed favor upon me, so I will bestow praise upon you, O expert in the beauty of His creation.
Like pearls in their stringing, musk in its spreading, and coolness in its cooling.

٤. تَتَبينُ الآدابُ فيه مُفرَّقاً
وَتَلوحُ ظاهرةً على مَجموعهِ

5. And poetry is too noble to stand deviant in composition, its rising substitutes for its origin.
And virtue with you is all of it, and its essence is what was most radiant in the time of its youth.

٥. فيه الغنيُّ عن العَروضِ لأنَّنا
نُهدَى بصحَّتهِ إلى تَقطيعِهِ

6. So you remain lofty in elevation, no glory except from you and what you relate of its elevation.

٦. يا مُلبِسي حُللَ الصِّفاتِ مُنمنِاً
وَجَميعُها واللهِ بَعضُ خليعِهِ

٧. أَوليتَني مِنَناً سَأُوليها ثَناً
لكَ من خبير في جميلِ بديعهِ

٨. كالدُّرِّ في تَرصيعهِ والمِسكِ في
تَضويعِهِ والبُردِ في تَوشيعِهِ

٩. والشِّعرُ أَشرفَ أَن يَقومَ ضَلالةً
في النَّظَمِ ظالعُهُ مَقامَ ضَليعِهِ

١٠. والفَضلُ عِنَدكَ كُلُّهُ وخِلالَه
ما كانَ أَزهرَ في أَوانِ رَبيعهِ

١١. فَبقيتَ مَرفوعَ العُلىَ لا مَجدَ إلاَّ
عَنكَ ما تَرويهِ من مَرفوعِهِ