1. Are those slender branches or dining tables laid,
And is that gentle light shining above them garlands?
١. أَتلكُ قُدودٌ أَم غصونٌ مَوائدُ
ونَورُ نضيدٌ فوقَها أم قلائدُ
2. And are these maidens, delicate and tender,
Or wild gazelles, shy and fleeing?
٢. وهاتيكَ غيدٌ آنساتٌ نواعمُ
بدت أَم ظباءٌ نافراتٌ شَواردُ
3. My beloved, though the old ways no longer please me,
If only past nights would return as before!
٣. خَليليَّ ما ملَّت سَقامي عَوائدي
لَوَ انَّ اللَّيالي السَّالفاتِ عوائدُ
4. In sorrow for the pact near the sacred stones -
Customs from which my people have strayed.
٤. وبالجِزعِ من ميثاءَ دونَ مُحجَّرٍ
رُسومٌ نأىَ عَهدي بها ومَعاهدُ
5. The glances of Rim still play and dart about,
Though they were my ruin - how strange that they aid!
٥. وملعبُ ريمٍ رامَ رامي جُفونهِ
هَلاكي فَأضحى القدُّ وهو مُساعدُ
6. Sick from the blow of his gaze is my state,
His hair raven dark, his cheek jet black in its shade.
٦. مَريضُ مجَالِ الطَّرفِ أمَّا لحاظهُ
أُسودُ وأمَّا شَعرهُ فأساودُ
7. Ja'far adds to my sickness, my tears overflow,
While Khalid's sorrow and passion relieve my pain.
٧. يزيدُ به سُقمي ودمعيَ جعفَرٌ
وَيحيى به حُزني ووجدَي خالدُ
8. The full moon shines though shamed is its brilliance,
And the slender bough though humbled its fruits remain.
٨. أفاضحَ بَدرِ التِّمِّ والبَدرُ مُشرقٌ
ومُخجلَ غُصنِ البانِ والغُصنُ مائدُ
9. For love's sake lament for a lover whose being
Is sworn by the stars, the thoughts bear witness the same.
٩. بحقِّ الهوَى إِلاَّ رثيتَ لعاشقٍ
تُقسمُه الأَفكارُ والنَّجمُ شاهدُ
10. With ribs aflame for you, and tears down his cheeks streaming,
My defenders draw near to you, as my envoys they came.
١٠. لهُ أضُلعٌ حرَّى عليكَ وأدمعٌ
مُورَّدةٌ في الخدِّ منها مَواردُ