1. Gently now, for in the breeze's fold there are messages
And lean, for the valley-slope is leaning
١. تأنَّوا ففي طَيِّ النَّسيمَ رَسائِلُ
وَمِيلُوا فَإنَّ البانَ في السَّفحِ مائِلُ
2. And it leaned only to ask, and it has
A discourse of love's madness - so draw it out and question it
٢. وَمَا مالَ إلاَّ للسُّؤالِ وعندَهُ
حَديثُ هوىً فاستَحدثُوهُ وسَائِلوا
3. It related a story about the slopes of Nu'man unfettered
And traced from it what the facets have recounted
٣. رَوَى خَبَراً عَن بانِ نَعمانَ مُرسَلاً
وأَسنَد عَنهُ ما حَكَتهُ الشَّمائِلُ
4. So it has justified the lovesick and given motion to the reticent
From ardour it has risen while still influencing
٤. فَعَلَّلَ مُعتَلاًّ وَحَرَّكَ ساكِناً
مِنَ الوَجدِ أَضحَى وَهوَ في الحالِ عامِل
5. And lean on the ridge of the preserve so its gazelles may
Observe you and be amorous
٥. وَمِيلوا على رَملِ الحِمَى علَّ سربهُ
تُلاحظُكُم غزلانُهُ وتُغازِلُ
6. And tell my passions to the breeze for it is
My confidant when the wind-puffs stir me
٦. وقُصُّوا غَرامي للنَّسيمِ فإنَّهُ
غَريمي إذا ما هَيَّجتني البَلابِلُ
7. It has watered the valley-bed from the bent spout
Of rain-clouds, fetterless, streaming down
٧. سَقَى دِمنَةَ الوادي بمُنعَرجِ اللِّوى
مِنَ المُزنِ محلُولُ النِّطاقَين هاطلُ
8. And greeted the environs of Sal' and the pasture
Of Guwair and sated the belt of Nu'man, pouring down
٨. وَحَيَّا رُبا مُصطافِ سَلعِ وَمَرتَعَ ال
غُوَيرِ وَروَّى بَطنَ نَعمانَ وابِلُ
9. So from it its shades overlap at al-Maqil
And in it the water-holes line up by al-Widad
٩. فَمِنها ضَفَت عندَ الَمقيلِ ظِلالُها
وَفيها صَفَت عِندَ الوِدادِ الَمناهلُ
10. And my questioning of the breeze is a preoccupation
Just as my tears for the encampments are questioning
١٠. وَإِنَّ سُؤالي للنَّسيمِ عُلاَلةٌ
كَمَا أَنَّ دَمعي لِلَمنازلِ سائِلُ