
I strolled by the red dunes to Shaqra

جريت بحمراء الكميت إلى الشقرا

1. I strolled by the red dunes to Shaqra
The abode of love, beauty, yet I turned away from dwelling

١. جَرَيتُ بِحَمراءِ الكُمَيتِ إِلى الشَّقرا
مَقَرِّ الهَوى حُسناً وأَعرضتُ عن مُقرَى

2. Nor did I neglect to drink from her goblet
And I recorded in history whatever delighted me

٢. وَلم أُخِل بالخَلخالِ من كأسِها يدي
وَأَثبتُّ في تاريخِ ما سَرَّني سَطرا

3. I looked between the sands asking
But only saw that I face a river

٣. وَأَبصرتُ ما بَينَ الَميادينِ سائِلاً
فَلَم أَرَ إِلاَّ أَن أُقابِلَهُ نَهرا

4. Especially with the garden around it for it
A carpet, and the breeze spread it open

٤. ولا سِيمَّا والرَّوضُ من حَولِهِ لَهُ
بِساطٌ وَقَد مَدَّ النَّسيمُ لَهُ نَشرا

5. By Allah, days have passed by my side
Increasing loss, though in their splendor was life

٥. فَلِلَّهِ أَيَّامٌ تَوَلَّت بِجانِبَي
يَزيدَ فَقَد كَانَت بِبهَجتِها العُمرا

6. It was not that Yazid was my goal and his coldness
Rather, my aim was to look upon the flowers

٦. وما كانَ مَقصوديَ يَزيدَ وَبَردَهُ
وَلكِنَّ قَصدي كانَ أَنظُرَ الزَّهرا