
No, and what did the tears ask as they flowed

لا وما سال من مسير العذار

1. No, and what did the tears ask as they flowed
Down your soft cheek in streams?

١. لا وَمَا سَالَ من مَسيرِ العِذَارِ
في أَسيلٍ من خدِّكَ الجُلَّنارِ

2. And the gentle pillow’s sweet scent reveals
Pearls upon pearls above the pillowcases.

٢. ورُضابٍ عَذبِ الَمراشِفِ يُبدي
لُؤلؤاً كالحَبابِ فَوقَ العُقارِ

3. And a figure, if touched, O confusion of my soul,
Is pleasure yet distance to the withering roses.

٣. وَقَوامِ إِن ماسَ يا حَيرةَ الغُص
ن وَبُعداً لِلَّذابلِ الخطَّارِ

4. And a glance like white eggs in the blackness of
Lashes which have afflicted me with weakness and despair.

٤. وَلِحاظٍ كالبيِضِ في سُودِ أَجفا
نِ سَبَتنا بِفَتَرةٍ وانكِسارِ

5. I have not been entertained from your love, nor have
I turned from my vow, even after the distance of tombs.

٥. ما تَسلَّيتُ عن هَوَاكَ ولا حُل
تُ عَنِ العَهد بَعد بُعدِ الَمزارِ

6. And whenever you move away, O full moon, from a condition
To my heart, it pours with rain.

٦. وإذا ما انتقَلتَ يا بَدرُ عن طَر
فِي إِلى القَلبِ جادَ بالأمطارِ

7. I do not care what happens, and my heart is
A house of the houses of moons.

٧. لا أُبالي بِما يكونُ وَقَلبي
مَنزِلٌ من مَنازلِ الأَقمارِ

8. You are, without passion in the beloved of the heart,
Resident in a burning coal.

٨. أَنتَ دُونَ الشَّغافِ في حَبَبِ القَ
لبِ مُقيمٌ في جَذوةٍ من نارِ

9. And wondrously it does not die out, and on it
Are eyes that have softened with copious tears.

٩. وَعَجيبٌ لا تَنطفَي وَعَليها
أَعينٌ جِدنَ بالمِياهِ الغِزار

10. In you is a meaning from the gazelle, and if not
For that, you would not be so enamored with fleeing.

١٠. فيكَ مَعنىً مِنَ الغَزالِ وَلَولا
ذاكَ ما رُحتَ مُوَلعاً بالنِّفارِ