
How strange is he who on the day of purpose is firm,

عجبا لمن يوم النوى يتجلد

1. How strange is he who on the day of purpose is firm,
Yet his love for her stands still immortalized.

١. عَجباً لِمَن يومَ النَّوى يَتجلَّدُ
وغَرامهُ وَقفٌ عليهِ مُخَلَّدُ

2. The travelers journey on, loving one not dead,
Is his heart iron or frozen numb?

٢. تَسري الرِّكابُ بِمن يحبُّ وَلمَ يمُت
أَتُرَى حَديُدٌ قلبَهُ أَم جلمَدُ

3. Of no use was his survival and agony,
Recurring, his trouble multiplied twofold.

٣. ما نَفعهُ ببقائهِ وشَقاؤهُ
مُتضاعفٌ وَعناؤهُ مُتجدِّدُ

4. It is a passion, no doubt one must taste it,
So let him hasten if he's one to be made happy.

٤. هيَ مهجةٌ لا بدَّ مشنها فَليجدُ
عَجلاً بهَا إِن كانَ ممَّن يُسعدُ

5. By my father the riders, above her cheeks
Are pearls adorning moons that are strung.

٥. بأبي الرَّكائبَ إِنَّ فوقَ حُدُوجها
كِللاً تُزَرُّ على البُدورِ وتُعقدُ

6. The fawn of the thicket does not complain of her pace,
Nor does the full moon cease beaming at her.

٦. لا تَشتكي عيِسٌ تسيرُ بمِثلها
كلاً ولا يَنأى علَيها فَدفدُ

7. A tree leaning over the cheeks of a gazelle,
Its fruits soft hippies with swaying breasts.

٧. شَجرٌ تَميلث على طلائحَ رُزَّحِ
وَثمارُهَا هِيفٌ كَواعبُ نُهَّد

8. Of all the excess beauty and her face,
To its brilliance even the shining sun bows.

٨. من كلِّ زائدةِ الجَمالِ وَوَجهُهَا
لِضيائهِ الشَّمسُ الُمنيرةُ تَسجُدُ

9. So fair that beauty itself surrendered to her,
Adorned, bejeweled and arrayed.

٩. حَسُنَت فمَلَّكها الجَمالَ مُخَلخَلٌ
وَمُسوَّرق وُمدَملجٌ ومُقلَّدُ

10. The moon in the glowing sky when it appears,
And when she sings, the birds in the thicket trill.

١٠. قَمَرُ السَّماءِ الُمستنيرُ إذَا بدَت
وإذَا رنَت ظَبيُ الكِناسِ الأَغيدُ

11. She broke her vows and covenants and turned them
To rejection of what I had grown accustomed to.

١١. نَقضت عُهودَ مَواثقي وأَحالَها ال
إِعراضُ عَمَّا كُنتُ مِنها أَعهدُ

12. That is only because the stalk of her figure
Is verdant with the breaths of the morning breeze.

١٢. ما ذاكَ إلاَّ أَنَّ غُصنَ قَوامِها
نَضِرٌ بأَنفَاسِ الصبِّا يَتأوَّدُ

13. And a faultless one from a tribe of Duhl, it saddened her
That time stands still with me and is seated.

١٣. وعَقيلةٍ مِن حَيِّ ذُهلٍ ساءَها
كَوني يَقومُ بِيَ الزَّمانُ وَيقعُدُ

14. She said how long will this concealment last,
And when will your hesitant resolve find footing?

١٤. قالَت إلى كَم ذا السُّرى وإلى مَتى
يَجري بِعزمتِكَ الذًَّميل وَيَركدُ

15. I said leave me be, and the homelands,
For I have not squatted except at the courted and visited.

١٥. قُلتُ اتركيني والبلادَ فَلَم أَضِف
إلاَّ على مَن يُستَماحُ وَيُقصَدُ

16. She said: Is there on earth, without dew, one who can be found
Whose hands' generosity fulfills hopes and wants?

١٦. قَالت وَهل في الأرضِ إِن عُدمَ النَّدى
مَن عِندهُ بَذلُ الرَّغائبِ يوجدُ

17. Who will protect from disasters and their tyranny?
I answered: the mighty king Muhammed.

١٧. مَن ذا يُجيرُ مِنَ الخُطوبِ وجَورِها
فأَجَبتُها الَمِلكُ العَزيزُ مُحمَّدُ

18. Al-Dhahir in virtues that cannot be contained,
Al-Nasir in glories that cannot be denied.

١٨. الظَّاهريُّ مَناقِباً لا تَنطَوي
والنَّاصرِيُّ مَآثراً لا تُجحدُ

19. I pinned my hopes on him profiting
A dutiful son, and I became the most dutiful.

١٩. أَحللت آمالي بهِ مُسترفِداً
بِراً فَغادرَني أَبرُّ وأَرفِدُ

20. I went to him seeking the bounty of his palms
And came to be in his lofty presence sought.

٢٠. وَقصدتهُ أَبغي مَواهبَ كفِّهِ
فَغدوتُ في سامي ذَرَاهُ أُقصدُ

21. From him I drew near in my lowly status,
Today without me steeds race and flee.

٢١. ودنوتُ مِنهُ في الخَسِيسِ مَكانتَي
واليَومَ مِن دوِني السُّها والفَرقدُ

22. I was the only one so he turned me away as though
My ancestors were Khalid or Mazyad.

٢٢. كُنتُ الوَحيدَ فَردَّني وكأَنَّني
قَد عاشَ جَدَّي خالدٌ أَو مَزيَد

23. Safe from misguidance, enlightened by his light,
Made strong against his enemies by his support.

٢٣. أَمنَ الضَّلالَ الُمستضيءُ بنورهِ
وثَنَى أَعادِيهُ بهِ الُمستنجِدُ

24. He sheltered the seeker of his glorious path,
And the guided succeeded by his wise counsel.

٢٤. وَحَوَى الَمعالي الُمقتفِي آثارَهَ
ونَجَا بصائبِ رَأيهِ الُمسترشدُ