
Oh my neighbors, will we have anything left between us

يا جيرتي هل نا من بعد فرقتكم

1. Oh my neighbors, will we have anything left between us
After your departure, in the square of the neighborhood the wings of night are dusky

١. يا جيرَتي هَل َنا من بَعدِ فُرقَِتكُم
بِساحَةِ الحَيِّ جُنحَ اللَّيلِ أَسمارُ

2. And will our nights ever return suppressed
One day, and will the house draw near to you after separation

٢. وَهَل تَعودُ لَيالينا بِكاظمَةٍ
يَوماً وَتدنو لَكُم بَعدَ النَّوى الدَّارُ

3. For I have indeed missed you, it soothed my heart
When sorrows and thoughts departed

٣. فقد وَحَقِّكُمُ شَفَّ الفُؤادَ بِكُم
لَمَّا تَرَحلَّتُ أشجانٌ وأَفكارُ

4. And I have an endless passion for you
The fire of fervor has become the only fire

٤. وَبي غَرامٌ إِليكُم لا انقِضاءَ لهُ
وَنَارُ وجدٍ غَدَت من دُونِها نارُ

5. I ask the caravan about you, will they give me news
And the agony of longing after nearness is reports

٥. أسائِلُ الرَّكبَ عَنكُم هَل يُخبِّرُني
وآفَةُ الشَّوقِ بَعدَ القُربِ أَخبارُ

6. Perhaps your house will draw near and I will see it
While you are in the sanctum of the house, present

٦. لَعلَّ دارَكُمُ تَدنُو وَأَنظُرها
وَأَنتُمُ في رِحابِ الدَّارِ حُضَّارُ