
Thus does death destroy the mountains

أكذا تهدم المنون الجبالا

1. Thus does death destroy the mountains
Thus does the dove pluck out the spears

١. أَكَذا تَهدِمُ المنَونُ الجِبَالاَ
أَكَذا يَنزعُ الحِمامُ النِّصَالا

2. Thus does fate shatter the towering heights
Thus do swords blunt their sharpened edges

٢. أَكَذا تَحطِمُ الرَّزَايَا العَوالي
أَكَذَا تَثلِمُ السُّيوفَ الصقِّالا

3. Thus do the seas recede, their murky depths
Churning, roiling, heaving in tumultuous swells

٣. أَكَذا تَرجِعُ البِحَارُ وَقَد فَا
ضَت عُبَاباً وَقائعاً أَوشَالا

4. Thus do the stars sink into the darkness
Though once they shone bright in the firmament

٤. أَكَذا تَغربُ الكَواكبُ في التُّر
ب وكانَت في جَوِّها تَتَلالا

5. Dire misfortune has taken a noble king
Who disappointed no earnest hope

٥. سَلَبَ الحادِثُ الجَليلُ مَلِيكاً
لَم يُخَيِّب لِقَاصدٍ آمَالا

6. It has seized the most benevolent and generous
The most clement, the most anticipated and distinguished

٦. سَلَبَ الأَروَعَ الرَّحيمَ الكَميَّ ال
أَريحِيَّ الُمؤَمَّلَ المِفضالا

7. It has taken the warrior, the fighter for God
The Lord Most High, the tireless worker

٧. سَلَبَ الغَازيَ الُمجَاهِدَ في اللَّ
هِ تَعَالى والعَالِمَ العَمَّالا

8. It has taken the sympathetic, the kind to all of mankind
The speaker of effective, purposeful words

٨. سَلَبَ العاطِفَ الشَّفِيقَ على كُلِّ
البَرايا والقائِلَ الفَعَّالا

9. In a grave lies the King of Armenia
Therein lies glory, nobility and majesty

٩. إِنَّ قَبراً شاهَ أَرمنَ حَلَّ فيهِ
قَد حَوَىَ الفَخر والعُلى والجَلالا

10. In a tomb rests one who was peerless
Though he towered over the stars, sublime and remote

١٠. وضَرِيحاً ثَوَى بِهِ غيرُ بِدعٍ
إِن تَسَامَى على النُّجومِ وَطَالا

11. What glory remains to people from the most noble king
In whom they never found fault or criticism?

١١. أَيُّ مَجدٍ للناسِ بالمَلِكِ الأَش
رفِ فيهِ لَم يَضرِبوا الأَمثَالا

12. What mighty monarch was ever shown such reverence
That people walked humbly in his train?

١٢. أَيُّ مَلكٍ مِنَ المُلوكِ عَظيمٍ
ما مَشىَ في رِكابِه إِجلالا

13. Misfortune has taken a king who often plunged
Fearlessly into the thick of battle

١٣. فَلَقد أَودَتِ الخُطُوبُ بِمَلكٍ
طَالَما في الوَغَى على الخَطبِ صَالا

14. A king who was always, until he passed into the grace of God
The provider upon whom all people depended

١٤. مَلِكٌ لَم يَزل إِلى أَن غدا للَّ
هِ جاراً لَهُ الأنَامُ عِيَالا

15. A king whose brilliant virtues made him a shining light
For Islam and Muslims - he was their bastion

١٥. مَلِك بَاهرُ الَمنَاقبِ للإِسِ
لام والمُسلمينَ كانَ مألا

16. A king who secured the faith when it was threatened
By invading polytheists, a terrible affliction

١٦. مَلِكٌ كانض أَمنَ الديِّنَ إن خا
فَ مِنَ الُمشرِكينَ داءَ عُضَالا

17. Death has eclipsed the sun shining on the horizon of glory
The hand of mortality has struck down the crescent moon

١٧. كَسَفَ الَموتُ شَمسَ أُفق الَمعَالي
وَأصَابَتُ يَدُ الَمنَايا الهلاِلا

18. After the loss of Moses my father, the Opener,
Glory itself has fallen from its lofty pinnacle

١٨. وَهوَى بَعدَ فَقدِ مُوَسى أبي الفَت
حِ مِنَ المَجدِ ما سَمَا وتَعَالَى

19. Neither kingdom nor guidance nor earthly frontiers
Nor time itself will be as they were without him.

١٩. لَيِسَ الُملكُ والهُدَى وثُغُورُ ال
أَرضٍ والدَّهرُ بَعدَهُ أَسمَالا

20. The kingdom after him is no exalted thing
Just as the faltering of guidance cannot be ignored

٢٠. عَبرةُ المُلكِ بَعدهُ لَيسَ تَرقا
وكَذا عَثرَةُ الهُدَى لَن تُقَالا

21. By God! No crown will ever grace
A head comparable to that of Moses

٢١. قَسَماً بالإِلَهِ لَم يَرَ تاجٌ
أَبداً تَحتَهُ لِموُسَى مِثَالا

22. Misfortune oppressed him until at last
Fate had its vengeance and was sated

٢٢. لَم يَزل وَاتِرَ الحَوادِثِ حَتَّى
أَخَذَت مِنهُ ثَأرَهُنَّ تَبالا

23. Whether his royal robe was now empty of him
He was still the full moon's peer before

٢٣. إِن غدا دَستُ مُلكِهِ خَالِياً مِن
هُ فَمَا زَالَ قَبلُ للبدرِ هالا

24. Or his steeds were riderless ranks
He had richly caparisoned them for battle's fury

٢٤. أَو غَدَت خَيلُه صفُوفاً فَكَم ال
بسها النَّقعَ في الهيِاجِ جِلاَلا

25. Or his coat of mail was unused
He had freely dispensed gifts from its bounty

٢٥. أَو غدا دِرعُهُ مَضُونا فَكَم غَا
دَرَهُ ما أفاضَ مِنهُ مُذالا

26. Or his bright swords rested in their scabbards
With them he had raided many a land

٢٦. أَو ثَوت في الغُمودِ أَسيافُهُ البِي
ضُ فَكَم قَد غَزَت بِهنَّ صِيَالا

27. Or the clash of his arms fell silent
With them he had kindled the flames of many wars

٢٧. أَو دكَت جَمرةُ القِراعِ فَكِم أَخ
مَدَ منِها ما كانَ زادَ اشتِعالا

28. What land did he not raid with his attacks
With his swift, unfailing spears

٢٨. أَي أرضٍ ما شَنَّ غَاراتِه في
ها وَبرَ ما سَنَّ فيهِ النِّزالا

29. No rival dared approach, or met defeat
O king who curtailed the shade cast on the people

٢٩. بِجيادِ رماحُه كَفَلت أَن
لا يُرى ضِدةُّ لَها أَكفالا

30. Eyes now brim with tears for you, cascading down cheeks
Hearts throb and ache, never leaving the nightingales in peace

٣٠. يا مليكَ الدُّنيا الذي قَلَّصَ اليَو
مَ رَداهُ عَنِ الأنامِ الظِّلالا

31. After you hopes were dashed and aims denied
The sea of kindness seethed, churned into ruin

٣١. إنَّ عَيناً تَلَدُّ بالدَّمعِ مِن بَع
دِكَ إنسانُها على الخَدِّ مالا

32. What glory remains but the train that drags
Across the stars, trailing in your wake?

٣٢. وفُؤاداً يَقِرُّ مِن خَفَقانٍ
وَحَنينٍ لا فَارَقَ البَلبالا

33. The grave that holds your body forms clouds
That gather at dusk and break at dawn, ever burdensome

٣٣. كَذَبَت بَعدكَ الظُّنونُ وخابَ ال
قَصدُ والبَرُّ بَحرُهُ صارَ آلا

34. And over you massed rainclouds linger
Ceaselessly, in constant mourning

٣٤. أَيُّ مَجدٍ سِوىَ الذي سُؤدُداً يَس
حَبُ فَوقَ الكواكبِ الأذيالا