
Your cheek has bewildered us, O Asma

قد حيرنا خدك يا أسماء

1. Your cheek has bewildered us, O Asma
When the wine was mixed with it and the water

١. قَد حَيَّرَنا خَدُّكِ يا أَسماءُ
لَمَّا امتَزَجَ الخَمرُ بِهِ والَماءُ

2. Had it not been for the anemones
No black spot would have been upon it

٢. لَو لَم يَكُ من شَقائِقِ النُّعمانِ
ما كانَ عَلَيهِ نُقطَةٌ سَوداءُ