
The slenderness of his waist captivated

خطف اختصار الصبر مخطف خصره

1. The slenderness of his waist captivated
And my heart was entirely captivated by his captivation

١. خَطفَ اختصارَ الصبَّرِ مُخطفُ خَصرِهِ
فَسرى الفؤادُ بأسرِهِ في أَسرهِ

2. I have become a prisoner of chains from his cheek
And chains from his hair

٢. أَضحى أسيرَ سلاسلٍ من عارضٍ
في خدِّهِ وسَلاسلِ من شَعرِهِ

3. When struck by a glance from his glancing eyes
The streaming of his tears consoled him in his patience

٣. لمَّا أُصيبَ بِعارِضٍ من عارِضٍ
عَزَّاهُ عارِضُ دَمعِهِ في صَبرهِ

4. My night has been long in his love and I do not see
Dawn, which is proof of his sorcery

٤. قد طالَ ليلي في هَواهُ ولا أَرى
سَحراً وهذا من أَدلَّةِ سِحرهِ

5. Nashwan fluttered his eyelids when he saw
My heart, drunk with passion within it

٥. نَشوانُ عَربدَ طَرفُهُ لَمَّا رأَى
قَلبي وقد لَجَّ الهَوىَ في سُكرِهِ

6. And he hinted with a wink of his coyness, so I think
His cheek stopped it with a glowing ember

٦. ووشى بِوَشي عِذارهِ فأظُنُّ أنَّ ال
خَدَّ أَوقَفهُ بلافِحِ جَمرهِ

7. No conquest, if my heart has become engaged
In its abode, while the heart is the abode of his full moon

٧. لا غزوَ إن أَضحى بقلبي نَازلاً
في ربعهِ والقَلبُ مَنزِلُ بَدرِهِ

8. I lost my way in his confusing hair during the ignorant night
Perplexed, but guided by his mouth

٨. ضَلَّيتُ من ليلي البهيمِ بِشعرهِ
في حَيرةٍ وهِدايةٍ من ثَغرهِ

9. He continued to show me guidance and lead me astray
To blasphemy, so I feared the guidance due to his blasphemy

٩. ما زالَ يُبدي لي هُدىً وَيُضلُّني
كُفراً فَخفتُ على الهُدى من كُفرهِ