1. Desire is baffled, abandoned, forlorn;
Its infatuation deluded and vain;
١. إِنَّما الصَّبُّ حائِرٌ مَهجُورُ
غَرَّهُ مِنهُ بِالترَّجِّي الغُرورُ
2. It came seeking as if a fawn of the gazelle,
Most shy, most afraid, shunning all people.
٢. جاءَ يَسعَى كأَنَّهُ وَلَدُ الظَب
يَةِ أَحَوى أَلمى أَحَمُّ نَفُورُ
3. Babylonian of glance, fortress of languor,
On it musk-scented sheets for cover;
٣. بابِليُّ الأَلحاظِ حِصنُ ثَنايا
هُ عَلَيها مِسكٌ الَمراشِفِ سُورُ
4. Of figure like the fresh slender bough,
Young verdure, soft, delicate.
٤. بِقَوامِ كَأَنَّهُ الغُصنُ والغُص
نُ رَشيقُ النَّباتِ غَضٌّ نَضيرُ
5. And brow as if it were son to intelligence
When freed from the veil of his face's light;
٥. وَجَبينٍ كَأَنَّهُ ابنُ ذُكاءٍ
فُكَّ عن صبُحِ وَجهِهِ الدَّيجورُ
6. He sips the water of coquetry wantonly -
So entrance to union with him is blocked.
٦. يَتَعاطَى ماءَ الَملاحَةِ رِيَّاً
فَلِهذا وِردُ الوِصالِ صُدورُ
7. Whene'er the rule of a boy's caprice
Governs him, he is stubborn in his rule; and who
٧. كُلَّمَا حَكَّمَتهُ دَولَةُ صَبٍّ
عَزَّ حُكماً وَمَن يَعِزُّ يَجورُ
8. Is stubborn will be tyrannical.
I said, when I saw him absent from me
٨. قُلتُ لَمَّا رأَيتُهُ غابَ عَني
ساعَةَ وَهيَ أَشهرُ بَل دُهورُ
9. An hour - or months, nay eons:
"Where did you incline, leaving, O delight of the soul?
٩. أَينَ يَممَّتَ نازِحاً يا مُنى النَّف
سِ فَمُذ غِبتَ فارَقَ الَمأمورُ
10. Since you went the appointed time has ceased."
He said to me, as shame dyed his cheek
١٠. قالَ لي والحَياءُ قَد ضَرَّجَ الخَدَّ
وكادت تِلكَ السُّطُورُ تَمورُ
11. And those lines almost became obscured:
"If I absent myself from your dark-lashed eye,
١١. إِن أَغِب عَن سَوادٍ طرفِكَ إِنَّي
بَينَ جَنبَيكَ في الفُؤادِ أَدوُرُ
12. Within your heart I wander to and fro.
Is this love's rule over your yielding heart -
١٢. أَلِهذا الهَوَى على قَلبِكَ الوَل
هانِ حُكمٌ مِنَ الفِراقِ ثَؤُورُ
13. A rule of separation full of gaps?
Or has the wickedness of my glance permitted me,
١٣. أَم أَبَاحَ الرَّدى إِلَيكَ عِناداً
لَحظُ طَرفي والنَّرجِسُ الَمسحُورُ