
I do not think that hunter of the valley,

ما أحسب ذاك جؤذر القناص

1. I do not think that hunter of the valley,
Wrapped in his cloak and pearl diver,

١. ما أَحسِبُ ذاكَ جُؤذُرَ القنَّاصِ
في لَفتَتِهِ ودُرَّةَ الغَوَّاصِ

2. Approves of my estrangement, though he feigns it,
Did he but see my heart's unfeigned sadness.

٢. يَستَحسِنُ لي هَجراً ولا يُضمِرهُ
لو شاهَدَ ما عِندي مِنَ الإِخلاصِ