
Do not exceed in the sharply twisted ʿuqayq,

لا تعدى من العقيق الأثيلا

1. Do not exceed in the sharply twisted ʿuqayq,
A stream dropping down the plain hurriedly.

١. لا تَعدَّى من العَقيقِ الأُثَيلا
عارضٌ يترُكُ البَسيطةَ سَيلا

2. And may God water with the bending valley a house
Which gathered us together in cheer and at night.

٢. وَسَقى اللهُ بالثَّنِيَّةِ داراً
جَمَعَتنا على السُّرورِ وليلَى

3. And a morning breeze wandered about it
A Najdi one trailing its tail in the meadow.

٣. وَسَرى بُكرَةً عَليها نَسيمٌ
مَندَليٌّ في الروَّضِ يَسحَبُ ذَيلا

4. A perfume that does not cease galloping in the robe
Of those tresses for the softly-walking horses.

٤. عَطِرٌ لا يَزالُ يُركِضُ في حَل
بَةِ تِلكَ الطُّلولِ للمُزنِ خَيلا

5. O my friend stop for an hour and weep for me
Over that home and the tribe and the palms.

٥. يا خَليلي قِف ساعَةً وابكِ عَنِّي
ذَلِكَ البان والحِمَى والنُّخَيلا

6. Four for youth: long ago we vowed
To foster it there, and for us children were reared.

٦. أَربُعٌ للصِّبا عَهِدنا قَديماً
في ربُاها لَنا هُناكَ أُهَيلا

7. And beautifully mannered like the gaze of the wild cow,
My bending over and the branch's inclination and bend.

٧. وَمَليحِ الصِّفاتِ كالرِّيمِ طَرفاً
والتِفَاناً والغُصنِ عَطفاً وميَلا

8. Who makes the night into day on my forehead
And makes the day by my hair into night.

٨. يجعلُ اللَّيلَ بالجَبينِ نَهاراً
وَيُعيدُ النَّهارَ بالشَّعرِ لَيلا

9. A niggard with illusion who has not flowed from it
A downpour which asks union for a channel.

٩. باخِلٌ بالخَيالِ لَم يَرجُ مِنهُ
مُستَهامٌ يَستَرفِد الوَصلَ نَيلا

10. I have a body from his waist and my sickness
Is weaker in strength and more feeble in stratagem.

١٠. لِيَ جِسمٌ من خَصرِهِ وَسَقامي
هُوَ أَوهَى قُوىً وأَضعَفُ حَيلا