
Distant is he to complain to you of his love,

بعيد بأن يشكو إليك غرامه

1. Distant is he to complain to you of his love,
A captive of passion in your calmness lies his bridle.

١. بَعيدٌ بأَن يَشكو إِلَيكَ غَرَامَهُ
أَسيرُ هوىً في راحَتَيكَ ذِمامُهُ

2. A sorrowful lover with grieving heart, his sighing increased,
And his greetings exhale in the folds of the breeze.

٢. مُحِبٌّ كَئيبُ القَلبِ زادَ زَفيرُهُ
وَيَعبَقُ في طَيِّ النَّسيمِ سَلامُهُ

3. He wept the day the one bent with love flew his nest,
A weeping most bitter that makes his love grow.

٣. بَكَى يَومَ بانَ الُمنحَنى وَحَمَامُهُ
بُكاءَ شَجٍ صَبٍّ يَزيدُ غَرَامُهُ

4. Knowing that the one who left is clear to be united,
And that the cooing of doves are his delegations.

٤. عَليمٌ بأَنَّ البانَ بَينٌ لِشَملِهِ
وَأَنَّ أَغاريدَ الحَمامِ حِمامُهُ

5. My intimate friend in the bareness where the garden overlooks,
And the musk of the soil has opened its seal.

٥. خَلَيليَّ بالجَرعاءِ والروَّضُ مُشرِفُ
وَمِسكُ الثَّرى قَد فُضَّ عَنهُ خِتامُه