1. Why not ask, O best successor,
About the heavenly maidens and the extent of our longing,
١. هَلّا سَأَلتَ وَأَنتَ خَيرُ خَليفَةٍ
عَن حَورِ غايَتِنا وَبُعدِ مَدانا
2. The people of prophethood, caliphate and piety,
God has honored us with them and granted us favor,
٢. أَهلُ النُبُوَّةِ وَالخِلافَةِ وَالتُقى
اللَهُ أَكرَمَنا بِهِ وَحَبانا
3. The Prophet's pond and our pond from Zamzam,
A thirsty man who has not seen our two ponds,
٣. حَوضُ النَبِيِّ وَحَوضُنا مِن زَمزَمٍ
ظَمِئَ اِمرُؤٌ لَم يَروِهِ حَوضانا
4. Quraysh knew that we are their prominent ones,
Who stands praising his people while excluding us,
٤. عَلِمَت قُرَيشٌ أَنَّنا أَعيانُهُم
مَن قامَ يَمدَحُ قَومَهُ اِستَثنانا
5. And we have names that befit none but us,
And shrines that exult when they see us,
٥. وَلَنا أَسامٍ ما تَليقُ بِغَيرِنا
وَمَشاهِدٌ تَهتَلُّ حينَ تَرانا
6. And our master acts with ease, not pretension,
Gently reaching the heights, our guardian.
٦. وَيَسودُ سَيِّدُنا بِغَيرِ تَكَلُّفٍ
هَوناً وَيُدرِكُ تَبلُهُ مَولانا