
If my words in praise of Ali offend you,

فإن يغضبك قولي في علي

1. If my words in praise of Ali offend you,
And you deny me what I seek,

١. فإن يغضبك قولي في عليّ
وتمنع ما لديك من النوالِ

2. Then know that Muhammad is one of us, and I
Am of those whose glory comes first, whose deeds speak.

٢. فإن محمداً منا وأنا
ذوو المجد المقدم والفعال

3. With Ibn Abbas I find bounty enough,
I seek no lordships or riches from you.

٣. وإن لدى ابن عباس نوالاً
وما طالبت من صفدٍ ومال

4. Our House was built for worship; yet you dwell in it,
With the basest of men ruling over you.

٤. بنا دار العباد لكم فأمسوا
يسوسُهم الركيك من الرجال

5. Enough for me are the gifts bestowed on Ali,
Who enriched me beyond all measure.

٥. كفاني ما نحلت به علياً
فأفناني ولم يك ذا اعتلال