1. Ibn Harb was mighty esteemed among the people
Until Ibn Abbas assailed him with what was in him
١. كانَ اِبنُ حَربٍ عَظيمَ القَدرِ في الناسِ
حَتّى رَماهُ بِما فيهِ اِبنُ عَبّاسِ
2. He kept demeaning and elevating him alternately
Until he recovered, though in truth unharmed
٢. ما زالَ يَهبِطُهُ طَوراً وَيُصعِدُهُ
حَتّى اِستَقادَ وَما بِالحَقِّ مِن باسِ
3. He left him no vulnerable spot that he did not expose
Covering his very scalp with them
٣. لَم يَترُكَن خُطَّةً مِمّا يُذَلِّلُهُ
إِلّا كَواهُ بِها في فَروَةِ الراسِ