
So ask not for the sword that failed its lord,

فلا تسألونا سيفكم إن سيفكم

1. So ask not for the sword that failed its lord,
And which the frightened cast aside in fear.

١. فَلا تَسأَلونا سَيفَكُم إِنَّ سَيفَكُم
أُضيعَ وَأَلقاهُ لَدى الرَوعِ صاحِبُه

2. Ask you the folk of Egypt of the arms
Of our niece's son, which they robbed him of,

٢. سَلوا أَهلَ مِصرٍ عِن سِلاحِ اِبنِ أُختِنا
فَهُم سَلَبوهُ سَيفَهُ وَحَرائِبُه

3. His sword and mail coat. And think upon
The lord of Khaybar and Badr's day when fled

٣. ومنا علي ذاك صاحب خيبر
وصاحب بدر يوم سالت كتائبه

4. His columns; and the Prince of True Believers,
After Mohammed, was Ali, and ever by

٤. وَكانَ وَلِيُّ الأَمرِ بَعدَ مُحَمَّدٍ
عَلِيٌّ وَفي كُلِّ المَواطِنِ صاحِبُه

5. His side. The Prophet's heir, his cousin too,
The first to pray, whose stature none could match.

٥. وصي النبي المصطفى وابن عمه
وأول من صلى ومن لان جانبه

6. In truth, God's messenger's defender he,
His neighbor. Who contends or compares with him?

٦. وصنو رسول اللَّه حقاً وجاره
فمن ذا يدانيه ومن ذا يقاربه

7. Ali, God's regent, his religion spread,
While you the wretched fought him and opposed.

٧. عَلِيُّ وَلِيُّ اللَهِ أَظهَرَ دينَهُ
وَأَنتَ مَعَ الأَشقَينَ فيما تُحارِبُه

8. An eager horseman of Safwan you came,
No friend or confidant to bandy words with.

٨. وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ مِن أَهلِ صَفواءَ نازِحٌ
فَما لَكَ فينا مِن حَميمٍ تُعاتِبُه

9. The Compassionate revealed you were corrupt,
No part have you in Islam to dispute.

٩. وَقَد أَنزَلَ الرَحمَنُ أَنَّكَ فاسِقٌ
فَما لَكَ في الإِسلامِ سَهمٌ تُطالِبُه

10. For I am come with squadrons, I am come
With trumpets braying and with mail coats gleaming.

١٠. وَإِنّي لَمُجتابٌ إِلَيكُم بِجَحفَلٍ
يَصُمُّ السَميعَ جَرسَهُ وَجَلائِبُه

11. To Kisra I compared you, yet not like
Kisra are you in temper or in deed!

١١. وَشَبَّهتُهُ كِسرى وَما كانَ مِثلَهُ
شَبيهاً بِكِسرى هَديُهُ وَضَرائِبُه