
A generous one who stayed up long nights

ومجود قد اسجهر تناوير

1. A generous one who stayed up long nights
Drinking the wine of eyes in the depths

١. ومَجُودٍ قَد اسجَهَرَّ تَنَاوِي
رَ كَلونِ العُهونِ في الأَعلاقِ

2. Of an autumn a starry night from a bucket rain quenched
He hung his head and did not conceal his desire

٢. عَن خَريفٍ سَقَاهُ نَوءٌ مِنَ الدَّل
وِ تَدَلَّى وَلم تُوارَ العَراقي

3. None consoled him but the white sand dunes for he longed
And missed some gazelles in the horizons

٣. لَم يِعبهُ إلاَّ الأَداحيُّ فقَد وَبَّ
رَ بَعضُ الرِّئَالِ في الأَفلاقِ

4. And the sight of calves around ewes
Trespassing that were heated by the leaves

٤. وإرانُ الثِّيرانِ حَولَ نِعَاجٍ
مُطفِلاتٍ يَحمِينَ بِالأَوراقِ

5. And you see them like deer in the refuge
Either time of blessing or intimacy

٥. وتَراهُنَّ كالأعِزَّةِ في الَمح
فِلِ أو حِينَ نِعمَةٍ وارتِفاقِ

6. I saddled it with my two hands a horse
Superior in running from the horses

٦. قَد تَبَطَّنتُه بِكَفَّيَّ خَرَّا
جٌ مِنَ الخَيلِ فاضِلٌ في السِّباقِ

7. Easy to lead, a gentle slender body
And stalwart in determination, trustee of Iraq

٧. يَسَرٌ في القِيادِ نَهدٌ ذَفيفُ العَد
وعَبلُ الشَّوَى أَمينُ العَراقِ

8. It did not stop the heat of midday nor avoid
Going around or corruption of dissenters

٨. لَم يُقَيِّل حَرَّ الَمقيظِ ولَم يُل
جَمِ لِطَوفٍ ولا فَسَاد نزِاقِ

9. But to facilitate for those who desire if they
Were and war if it minimized from a leg

٩. غيرُ تَيسيره لرَغباءَ إن كا
نَت وَحربٌ إن قَلَّصَت عَن ساقِ

10. And for him a mare facing the
Rider fairly with the protruding nail

١٠. وَلهُ النَّعَجةُ الَمرِيُّ تُجاهَ ال
رَّكبِ عِدلاً بِالنَّابئ الِمخراقِ

11. And the one legged bare of excess adornments
The brain bleeder for the depths

١١. والخِدَبُّ العاري الزَّوائدِ ملِ
حَفَّانِ داني الدِّماغِ لِلآماقِ