
Whoever sees himself as firmly established

من رأنا فيحدث نفسه

1. Whoever sees himself as firmly established
Will in time know the vicissitudes of fate;

١. مَن رَأنا فيُحَدِّث نَفسَهُ
أَنَّهُ مُوفٍ عَلَى قَرنِ زَوال

2. And whatever fate brings has no permanence,
Like the stubborn silence of mountains.

٢. وخُطوبُ الدَّهرِ لا يَبقَى لَها
ولِمَا تَأتي بهِ صُمُّ الجِبال

3. Many riders once camped near us,
Drinking clear water mixed with wine.

٣. رُبَّ رَكبٍ قَد أَنَاخُوا عِندَنا
يَشرَبُونَ الَخمرَ بِالماءِ الزُّلال

4. Decanters were passed around,
And their horses wandered freely in the meadows.

٤. والأَباريقُ عَلَيها فُدُمٌ
وعِتَاقُ الَخيلِ تَردي في الجِلال

5. For an age they lived most pleasantly,
Secure and free from haste.

٥. عَمُروا دَهراً بِعَيشٍ حَسَنٍ
آمِني دَهرِهُمُ غَيرَ عِجال

6. Then fate made them examples
Of how it lays low even mountains.

٦. ثُمًّ أَضحَوا أَخنَعَ الَّهرُ بهم
وكَذلكَ الدَّهرُ يُودي بِالجبال

7. Such is how fate casts the youth
From one condition to another.

٧. وكَذاكَ الدَّهرُ يَرمي بالفَتَى
في طلابِ العَيشِ حالاً بَعدَ حال