
I reproached myself in the monastery of Bani Alqama

نادمت في الدير بني علقما

1. I reproached myself in the monastery of Bani Alqama
When I gave them intoxicating drinks

١. نادَمتُ في الدَّيرِ بني عَلقَما
عاطَيتُهُم مَشمُوَلةً عِندَما

2. As if the profit of musk in its cup
When we mix it with the water of the sky

٢. كأَنَّ رِبحَ المِسكِ في كأسِها
إذا مَزَجناها بِماءِ السَّما

3. Alqama, what is wrong with you, why did you not come to us
Do you not desire today to indulge?

٣. عَلقَمُ ما بالُكَ لَم تَأتِنا
أَمَا اشتَهَيتَ اليَومَ أَنَّ تَنعَما

4. He who desires life and its pleasures
Let him make rest his ladder

٤. مَن سَرَّهُ العَيشُ وَلذَّاتُهُ
فَليَجعَلِ الرَّاحَ لَهُ سُلَّما