
My eyes saw a fire light in the evening

أبصرت عيني عشاء ضوء نار

1. My eyes saw a fire light in the evening
From its glow, I knew it was an Indian's campfire

١. أَبصَرَت عَيني عشَاءً ضَوءَ نَارِ
مِن سَناها عَرفُ هِنديٍّ وغارِ

2. It kindled in a meadow, lighting up
A palm's shine with its bracelets

٢. أَرَّثَت في عَرَفٍ مَوقِدَها
فأَضاءَت لَمعَ كَفٍّ بِسِوارِ

3. O Mayy, I'm indebted to you all
Beyond what I deny myself and my vigilance

٣. مَيُّ إنيِّ بِكُمُ مُرتَهَنٌ
غيرَ ما أَكذِبُ نَفسي وأُماري

4. Tell Nu'man about me, saying
My imprisonment and waiting have been prolonged

٤. أَبلِغِ النُّعمانَ عَنِّي مَالُكاً
أَنَّهُ قَد طالَ حبَسي وانتظاري

5. If it weren't for water, my throat would be cracked
I'd be like boughs cracking from lack of water

٥. لَو بغَيرِ الماءِ حَلقي شَرِقٌ
كُنتُ كالغَصَّانِ بالماءِ اعتِصاري

6. I wonder about Dakhil and his slander
Wherever my night and day have reached me

٦. لَيتَ شِعري عَن دَخيلٍ يَفتَري
حَيثُما أَدرَكَ لَيلي ونَهاري

7. Sitting there, he torments me intentionally
Though my jail and confinement were unlawful

٧. قاعِداً يَكرُبُ نَفسي بَثُّها
وحَراماً كانَ سِجني واحتِصاري

8. The best of you have God's great blessings
And my nearness to you all was wholesome

٨. أَجلَ نُعمَى رَبَّها أَولُكُم
ودُنُوِّي كانَ مِنكُم واصطِهاري

9. God has indeed favored you
Above those whose loins are bound by waistbands

٩. أَجلَ أَنَّ اللهَ قَد فَضَّلَكُم
فَوقَ مَن أَحكَأَ صُلباً بإِزارِ

10. We already knew, before you
The tent poles and pegs of the dwellings

١٠. نَحنُ كُنَّا قَد عَلمِتُم قَبلَكُم
عُمُدَ الَبيتِ وأَوتادَ الإِصارِ

11. We excel in singing when we are cheered
And defending you with strong hands

١١. نُحسِنُ الهِنءَ إذا استَهنَأتَنا
ودفِاعاً عَنكَ بالأََيدي الكِبارِ

12. Your father, though, was never tarnished by us
The day misfortune befell those who lost

١٢. وأَبُوكَ الَمرءُ لَم يُشنَا بِهِ
يَومَ سِمَ الخَسفَ مِنَّا ذُو الخَسارِ

13. My enemies took pleasure that
I was absent from them in captivity

١٣. وعِداتي شَمِتَت أَعجَبَهُمُ
أَنَّني غُيِّبتُ عَنهُم في أَسار

14. No man who stumbles because of me
If he's struck by the slips of time

١٤. لاِمرِئٍ لَم يَبلُ مِنِّي سَقطَةً
إن أَصابَتهُ مُلِمَّاتُ العِثارِ

15. So if my fate withholds its goodness
And dwells with evil, neighboring me

١٥. فَلئِن دَهري تَوَلَّى خَيرُهُ
وَجَرت بِالشَّرِّ لي مِنهُ الَجواري

16. I frolic with a carnation-cheeked beauty
Who fills my eyes away from indecency

١٦. لَبِمَا أَلهُو بِخَودٍ كاعِبٍ
تَمَلأُ العَينَ عَنِ الفُحشِ نَوارِ

17. Many days I took pleasure in her
And now am shortened in a prison cell

١٧. رُبَّ دَهرٍ قَد تَمَتَّعتُ بها
وقَصَرت اليَومَ في بَيتِ عِذاري

18. With conversation an old man allows
And words like those of Madhi, theBard

١٨. بَسمَاعٍ يَأذَنُ الشَّيخُ لَهُ
وحَديثٍ مِثلِ ماذِيٍّ مُشارِ

19. We fulfilled a need for pleasure
Though a man's life is like something borrowed

١٩. فَقَضَينا حاجَةً مِن لَذَّةٍ
وحَيَاةُ الُمرءِ كالشَّيءِ الُمعارِ

20. Like the feathers of an arrow released predawn
From a steep, high cliff of darkness flew

٢٠. لَثِقِ الرِّيشِ تَدَلَّى غُدوَةً
مِن أَعَالي صَعبَةِ الَمرقَى طِمارِ