
Many a hopeful, ambitious for hope

رب مأمول وراج أملا

1. Many a hopeful, ambitious for hope
Has time turned away from that hope

١. رُبَّ مأمولٍ وراجٍ أَمَلاً
قَد ثَناهُ الدَّهرُ عَن ذاكَ الأَمَل

2. And a young man of an amazing state
Which has been stripped from him, and time circulates

٢. وفَتىً مِن دَولَةٍ مُعجِبَةٍ
سُلِبَت عَنهُ وللدَّهرِ دُوَل

3. How can man hope for power for decrepitude
While in reasons it is a hostage bound

٣. كيفَ يَرجُو الَمرءُ قُوتاً للرَّدَى
وَهيَ في الأَسبابِ رَهنٌ مُختَبَل

4. Whenever a day passes, it's gone
That brings him closer to his end

٤. كُلَّمَا خَلَّفَ يَوماً فَمَضَى
زادَهُ ذَلِكَ قُرباً لِلأَجَل

5. Time has aimed at us its arrows
Afflictions that seek us after descending

٥. فَوَّقَ الدَّهرُ إلينا نَبلَهُ
عَلَلاً يَقصِدُنا بَعدَ نَهَل

6. It shoots us yet we see it not
The act of a shooter who shot prey and erred

٦. فَهوَ يَرمينا فلا نُبصِرُهُ
فِعلَ رامٍ رامَ صَيداً فَخَتَل

7. The prey was hit yet encountered betrayal
So it shot confidently then killed

٧. رُزِقَ الصَّيدَ وَلاَقَى غِرَّةً
فَرَمَى مُستَمكناً ثُمَّ قَتَل

8. Thus is time commanded against us
It does not neglect if anything neglected

٨. فَلِذاكَ الدَّهرُ مَأمورق بِنا
فَهوَ لا يَغفَلُ إن شَيءٌ غَفَل