
You rewarded Abā Munthir with affection despite his anger,

أبا منذر جازيت بالود سخطة

1. You rewarded Abā Munthir with affection despite his anger,
So what is the reward for the hater, the hating one?

١. أَبَا مُنذرٍ جازيتَ بِالوِدِّ سُخطةً
فَمَاذا جَزاءُ المُبغِضِ المتَبَغِّضِ

2. You rewarded him with this example out of nobility,
And you are no longer inclined to anything after this.

٢. فجازَيَتهُ في ذا المِثَالِ كَرامَةً
ولَستَ لِشَيءٍ بَعدُ بِالُمتعَرِّضِ