
For whom has this abode become desolate with tents?

لمن الدار تعفت بخيم

1. For whom has this abode become desolate with tents?
Its long occupation has changed it.

١. لِمَن الدَّارُ تَعفََّت بِخِيَم
أَصبَحتَ غَيَّرَها طُولُ القِدَم

2. The eye sees of its traces naught
But lines like writing with a pen.

٢. ما تَبينُ العَينُ مِن آياتِها
غَيرَ نُؤيٍ مِثلِ خَطٍّ بِالقَلَم

3. Salah wrapped it up and became its tenant,
A Bazite built a nest in its staircase.

٣. صَالحاً قَد لَفَّهَا فاستَوسَقَت
لَفَّ بَازِيٍّ حَمَاماً في سَلَم

4. And three like doves in it,
At their sleeping-place the kindling of embers.

٤. وثَلاثٍ كَالحمَامَاتِ بها
عِندَ مَجثَاهُنَّ تَوشيمُ الفَحَم

5. I asked the abode, for I had greeted it,
About a beloved, but it was deafly silent.

٥. أَسأَلُ الدَّارَ وقَد حَيَّيتُها
عَن حَبيبٍ فإِذا فيها صَمَم

6. By the life of the abode! Were its people in it
When the tears from your eyes poured down!

٦. ولَعَمرُ الدَّارِ لَو أَنَّ بها
أَهلَها إذ دَمعُ عَينَيك سَجَم

7. Grieving, it would not have turned away from one
Who came seeking a cure from sickness.

٧. جَزِعاً ما أَعرَضَت عَن بائنٍ
جاءَ يَستَشفي شِفاءً مِن سَقَم

8. Often I and my companions go early
To an abode like Ukaz’s leather.

٨. ولقَدَ أَغدُو ويَغدُو صٌحبتَي
بكُمَيتٍ كعُكَاظيِّ الأُدُم

9. The horses outdid each other with a brisk gallop
Between Ya'bub and the clan of Sahm.

٩. فضلَ الخَيلَ بِعرقٍ صالحٍ
بَينَ يَعبُوبٍ ومِن آلِ سَحَم

10. Among them a stallion of noble stock slept
He was like a firmly rooted firmly planted statue.

١٠. فَتنامَت أَفحُلٌ نُجبٌ بهِ
فهوَ كالتِّمثالِ جَيَّاشٌ هَزِم

11. Trusting in their speed without supplies,
Relying on their excellence without lack.

١١. مُستَخفِّينَ بِلاَ أَزوادنا
ثَقةً بِالُمهرِ مِن غَيرِ عَدَم

12. But when the forenoon was in its hottest
A small-headed Kahrab with prominent flesh.

١٢. فإِذا العانَةُ في كَهر الضُّحَى
أَحقبُ ذُو لَحم زيَم

13. His flanks sturdy, a ready runner
From which the hindmost of them could not escape.

١٣. زَهمُ الصُّلبِ ربَاعٌ جانِبٌ
مارِحُ الآخِر مِنهُ قَد نَجم

14. No small weak foal with falling stride
Nor old heavy slow-paced pack-horse.

١٤. لا صَغِيرٌ ضارِعٌ ذُو سَقطَةٍ
أو كَبيرٌ كارِبٌ سنَّ الهَرَم

15. He saw us and came to us directly
Showing his incisors to the utmost.

١٥. فَرآنا وأَتَانَا صَحِلا
أَرِنا يَجشُمُها حَدَّ الأَكَم

16. He clashed his tusks against their shoulders
Whenever he turned back breathless.

١٦. يُعلِقُ النَّابَينِ في أَكفانِها
كُلَّما يَلفُظُ إدباراً عَدمَ

17. And when he attacked the head of one of them
A Za'ibite against a Rudainite blind of eye.

١٧. وإذا يَركَبُ رَأساً كَُّهُ
زاعِبيٌّ في رُدَينِيٍّ أَصَم

18. And we ordered him at him from among them
After he had complied, bending his neck or silent.

١٨. وأَمَرناهُ به من بَينِها
بَعدَ ما انصاعَ مُصرّاً أَو كَصَم

19. He was like the bucket in the drawer of the waterer.
The bowls slipped from it and were smashed to pieces.

١٩. فَهوَ كَالدَّلوِ بِكَفِّ المُستَقي
خُذِلَت منهُ العَراقي فانجَذَم