
The army prevented him from his call

والجيش رواه من دعوته قدح

1. The army prevented him from his call
And I saturated him with the mention of Al-Mustafa the fruits

١. والجيشُ رواهُ من دعوتِهِ قَدَحٌ
وأشبَعتهُ بذكر المصطفى ثُمُرُ

2. And how many miracles for him that cannot be comprehended
And how can the pebbles and the stars and the rain be counted

٢. وكم له معجزاتٌ لا يُحاطُ بها
وكيف يُحصى الحصى والنجمُ والمَطرُ

3. And when the Creator of beings praises him, what
Do people say if they are few or many

٣. وإذا إلاهُ الوَرى أثنى عليه فما
يقوله الخَلق إن قلّوا وإن كَثُروا

4. O Messenger of God, be an intercessor of a young man
Who has lost his life chasing pleasures

٤. فيا رسول الإله كن شفيعَ فتىً
قد ضاع منه على لذّاته العُمُرُ

5. Transgressions and violations have followed one another and did not calm
His worries, and alienation has taken hold of him

٥. تتابعت منه عوراتٌ وما سكنت
روعاتُهُ وتوىل عندهُ النُكُرُ

6. He has faced God with disobedience, immersed
In misguidance, when his soul and evil led him astray

٦. قد قابل اللَهَ بالعصيان منهمكاً
في غَيِّةِ إذ غَوَته النفسُ والشرُ

7. He was not deterred when deterred, no piety
But rather his passion shepherded him into moral corruption

٧. ما إن نهاهُ نُهاهُ لا ولا ورعٌ
قد راعهُ بل رعاه في الهوى عَوَرُ

8. He missed and faltered in words and deeds
And he has never accomplished any good deeds that can be considered

٨. أخطا وأخطَلَ في قولٍ وفي عَمَلٍ
ولم يُصِب في صالحاتٍ قط تُعتَبَرُ

9. And if a guide invites him to good
He refuses, and if called to evil he jumps to it

٩. وإن دَعَتهُ إلى الخيرات داعيَةٌ
ونى وإن تَدعُهُ للشرّ يبتَدِرُ

10. And if the misfortunes of time afflict him
He supplicates, but if they are removed he is tempted by frivolity

١٠. وإن ألمّت مُلِمّاتُ الزمانِ بهِ
دعا وإن كُشِفَت يستهوِهِ البَطرُ

11. His soul and the devil are his princes between a passion
That makes his dedication to piety collapse and become covered

١١. أميرُه النفسُ والشيطانُ بينَ هوىً
يهوي به جَدُّ تقواهُ ويعتَثِرُ

12. Other than you, who will have mercy on this servant
O best of those sought by nomads and city dwellers

١٢. من ذا سواكَ لهذا العبد يرحَمُهُ
يا خير من يَمَّمَتهُ البدوُ والحَضَرُ

13. If you, O Messenger of God, do not save me
From what I have committed, then how can I excuse myself

١٣. إن لم تكُن يا رسول اللَه تنقذُني
مما اقترفت وإلا كيف أعتَذِرُ

14. Far from you, far from you O my Master to neglect me
While I have pleas to you and afflictions

١٤. حاشاكَ حاشاكَ يا مولايَ تُهمِلُني
ولي إليكَ التجاءاتٌ ولي ضُرَرُ