
Pray to Allah for forgiveness of his slip,

وسل له الله في غفران زلته

1. Pray to Allah for forgiveness of his slip,
So he may return while all sin is pardoned.

١. وسل لهُ اللَهَ في غُفرانِ زَلَّتهِ
حتى يعودَ وكلُّ الذنبِ مُغتَفَرُ

2. With a beautiful, good and kind ending,
The purpose and journey are completed by the ending.

٢. وفي ختامٍ جميلٍ طيبٍ حسنٍ
فبالختامِ يتِمُّ القَصدُ والوَطَرُ

3. Grant him the truth of every known thing,
So he sees his heart overflowing like an abundant sea.

٣. وامنَحهُ من كلِّ معلومٍ حقيقتَهُ
حتى يَرى صدرَهُ كالبحرِ يزدخِرُ

4. Unveil the veils to him in seeing You, so he can see
The beauty of Your face that he tries to conceal.

٤. واكشف له الحُجبَ في لُقياكَ حتى يَرى
جمالَ وجهكَ ما إن عنه يَستَتِرُ

5. Occupy him with God secretly and openly,
From all else beside Him, for nothing else brings joy.

٥. واشغَلهُ باللَهِ في سرٍّ وفي عَلَنٍ
عمّا سواهُ فما في غيره سُرُرُ